
When a regular ed. teacher signs an IEP what are they actually signing for? By signing, what are you stating?

by Guest61672  |  earlier

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When a regular ed. teacher signs an IEP what are they actually signing for? By signing, what are you stating?




  1. an iep is an indivual education plan and the can be incidating that the child either has a learning disability or a physcial disability

  2. IEP means individual education plan. The teacher is signing that this is the program and goals that are identified and will be focused on beside other general issues. If you sign it you are agreeing with the plan. I personally have never agreed to the plan if presented to me in a parent teacher meeting. I like time to review and ask questions. The IEP is not set in cement only the teacher. Ask questions, why, how long etc. If you want other bits put in hear both sides and give a fair decision.

  3. It means that they were there at the meeting, agree and understand the IEP and agree to implement it.

  4. The IEP is  legal document, by signing, you are stating that you agree to implement and carry out all instructions within the document.

    If you do not carry out all instructions within the IEP, you are in fact breaking a contract and the school is now open to legal proceedings should the parents decide to follow due process.

  5. It depends on what page(s) you've signed.  Some say that you contributed to the IEP modifications and  agree to the terms of the IEP as the student's teacher; others just say that you're a regular education teacher who's seen the IEP and is aware of its contents.

  6. When a teacher along with everyone else signs an IEP agreement you are promising to act on the targets set within the IEP. The IEP shows that the child is different and may have difficulties in some areas. It flags up these difficulties and how they are best managed. You are promising to treat the child in the best way to help further their education.

  7. Anyone attending an IEP meeting MUST sign that he/she is an individual participating in the development of the IEP and the placement deicsion.  By singing the IEP, there is an agreement on accomodations/modifications AND that they will be implemented.

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