
When a society is dissatisfied, it often turns to the past for what it is lacking. What time period should ?

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we be looking at as a model for some of what is missing, needing to be fixed, or renewed in today's society? Example: During the Renaissance, people looked to the Classical period; to Ancient Greece and Rome.




  1. In my opinion the U.S. should look to the way things were on the home front during WWII.  People sacrificed and pulled together for the good of the nation, now it's grab what you can as fast as you can and it's every man for himself.  I'm not by any means comparing the Iraq war with WWII but simply making the statement that Americans seem to be too preoccupied with getting as much as they can and have little interest in what's good for the country as a whole.

    With the mentality people have today crime would have been out of control during the Great Depression but it wasn't.  In fact few people wanted anything free they just wanted to work.  That's another attitude that this country needs to have resurface.  I love my country but think we definitely need to look to the past for inspiration on how to make things better.

  2. The world as a whole? This is a hard question...I think there was never/never will be a time period where everything in the world has been satisfactory.

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