
When a spirit dies violently due to some kind of abuse, does it hold a grudge for......?

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the same s*x in the after life? Lets say a man abused his child & the child dies violently, do you think the spirit of the child will be more attracted to vent anger twards males? **Note**this is just an example, it could possibly go either way.




  1. Are you sure this belongs in Science and Mathematics?

  2. OK, you really don't have to worry yourself with such a theologically vague issue.  Embrace science and reason and stop worrying! INSTEAD OF COMMITTING YOURSELF TO THINKING ABOUT SUCH IRRELEVENT THINGS, TRY PUTTING FORTH THAT ENERGY INTO SOMETHING WORTHWHILE!!!

  3. Ok im going to try and tell you from a couple of experiences ive read from other people...apart from that i really dont know....

    this girl spoke of her child hood, and how her uncle would sexually abuse her for a long time...Many years later, in her adult hood, she came to forgive her uncle for what he had done to her..but without her knowing he had died many years ago, due to her finding out...She said the night she really forgave him and let go of the past, his apparition with jesus appeared to her, and he was so pleased for her forgivness, and how sorry he was..that night, she realised he had died, then chasing up his details through the family, it was confirmed he had died many years ago.......

    Then recently, i read a story about a demon posession, how a woman was tormented by a demon, years later when the priest finally came to help her, and asked who was doing this to her,...It was her father, he tryed many times to get his way with her when she was 14 years old, and because she never let him , he had so much anger in him, that when he died, he carried this anger with him to her, and made her suffer beyond.....Her story is quite fasinating.....It was actually written by the priest who dealt with it and her......

    EDIT but deenie, this second one, about the demon posession, her father carried his anger right through death to h**l all towards his daughter, cause she stood her ground with him in life.....ill try and find the link to her horrible experience....hang on ill come back if i can find it.....

    EDIT,,ok found it..... the first link is the main page there is some interesting stuff there >>>  

    This link goes straight to her story of the posession of her father....kind of skip the first part, and get to the first part of her ordeal...very freaky.. skip the first part and go to where it says this true story starts...>>>.  ( this is a perfect case of the person who dies carries his anger after death and punishes his daughter for many years......

    In my honest opinion and from ive worked out with this sort of stuff that most demons are of humans having so much hatred in this world and towards others...they wont release their anger after death, which then they tormate people, and basically become demon themselves....and they all join forces , then more demons are produced by evil people dying who hold big grudges.....does that make sense....

  4. >I believe that in death, you retain what ever personality traits you had in life. Afterall, that is what makes you unique in earthly life, is it not? If your personality was abusive, then yes, you are going to go on to the next life with the same personality. Its not gonna change on the other side. I suppose if you were a child who died from abuse at the hands of a male, you might gravitate towards females as you would not be afraid of them.  If you were an abusive person you would probably try to manifest your abuse towards those who resemble most the person or people you abused in life. And finally if you could, you would try to manifest yourself by trying to control and take over those who resemble you the most. Try to control their actions and affect their personalities. This has been known to happen with certain hauntings. There are many example of people moving into a haunted home, and having problems with the previous personalities changing and taking over their own personalities.

  5. I have no idea.  No one has ever come back from the dead to tell me anything about it.

  6. A grudge of any kind would tied this soul to earth. A soul in that situation can be helped by praying. Also, in Catholic Liberal Church we make a mass to help the spirit after life, as soon as possible from the moment the person died.

    You can find out more about the afterlife in the book

    The Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena by A. Powell . You can download this at

    This is a very interesting book, and more interesting yet are the ones dedicated to "the mental  body" , and  to "The Causal Body and the Ego" - by same author, you can download them from the same page.

  7. Poltergeist activity might be explained this way, from the many accounts of strangeness that happen at some locations - a place may be "quiet" for several months when a new owner moves in - but when certain changes are made or things added or removed that do not sit well with the "occupants" the level of activity will increase. Some activity will begin right away as soon as a certain person visits for the first time - some say that the spirit might be showing off or protecting the owner.

    But even to suggest this means that spirits have a consciousness - something that the skeptics disagree with. You would have to prove that a spirit could reside outside of a body and make conscious decisions without a brain, and then affect the physical world when it is upset. You would have to prove there were such things as spirits to begin with.

    For those of us that do believe in the paranormal, we know that there is an imprint or residual amount of energy that we leave behind at a location - even before we pass away.

  8. I love the way that when you give thumbs down to "deletes" them..kinda like Runescape etc . lol POW! POW!lol

      I know what you  mean..but I don't know.I know that during their human life..they seem to take it out on "all women" etc. I know that I  kinda worry about when I die if I'll do that about a group of people who really really hurt me and my family. I can't do anything about it now.If nothing else..I'm gonna tell God on them!! Hope that will be enough for me. And  I hope He spanks them!!HARD!!!

    Edit..333...It's different if they're truly sorry. But these laugh!

  9. If I read your question correctly, a spirit that dies cannot hold a grudge because it is dead.  So you mean when an entity loses its physical life, does the spirit which inhabited the entity hold a grudge?

    I guess it all depends on the type of after-life you want for your spirit.

    Lots of questions: Do spirits have genders like humans?  Why would the spirit hold a grudge against males and not against people with brown hair, or people who are 35 years old, or people who are 5' 10" tall?  What form of "venting" could a spirit do as a non-corporeal being that could be felt by corporeal beings?  Do you think the spirit might find better things to do than haunt or harass the living entity?  Would the spirit try to influence the living entity to give up his/her violent tendencies?  What happens when the abuser dies and his/her spirit meets the other spirit?

    I have no answers, only more questions.


    You picked and focused on one physical characteristic: maleness.  I picked other physical characterics: hair color, size, age.  Just wondering how many different ways spirits or living entities might be classified and understood....

  10. No.  We resolve as much as we can and learn LOVE in the afterlife where our ancestors are.  We can see that some horrible things come from the "doer's" messed up life.  In life there's "dharma" which means what goes around comes around, now.  "Kharna" is when it's held over from one lifetime to another.  Grudges are not "good work."

  11. I think death purifies the mind in a sense, because most experience horrendous physical pain and upon death that is the last thing they remember. That is why many times a spirit will perform the same act over and over again precisely at the exact time, because it is the last memory they had when they died. I don't think spirits are capable of holding a grudge if they exist. I think if you are experiencing anything different than I described you are probably dealing with a demon of some sort. ;-)

  12. It sometimes happens that the ghosts of abused murdered women come back to haunt the places where they were killed, and they are usually more aggressive with men, I also heard that the spirits of abusers might get violent with women.

  13. It's entirely individualistic. In my experience, you are in spirit the way you are in life. An angry person is an angry spirit. BUT, you can change in the afterlife, the same way you can when you're alive. So I would think that it's just like how some abused children grow up to be abusive and some grow up to be normal, functional adults, you know? IOW, yeah, it's possible and it probably happens, but it's not a sure thing, it doesn't happen EVERY time.

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