
When a star fall directly to mawi's head, would you pity him? how if it was MLP?

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When a star fall directly to mawi's head, would you pity him? how if it was MLP?




  1. then we will see more stars go round n round on top of him

  2. I wish for a star to hit mawi but also i think it will be deflected. as for MLP, may a meteor hit him instead of a star.

  3. I do not know mawi in person, so the best is I will be sorry for him. As for MLP, can I ask two stars to hit him?

  4. mawi's bald head will deflects the star.

    as for MLP,star is too pure to fall on to MLP,maybe a blast of lightning will do us justice.

  5. Is MLP's turban protective? He may survive from the stars.

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