
When a team trades a player away, what does that team do about their signs?since the player who left knowsthem

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does the team change their signs?

does the player who left not tell his new team, like out of respect for the game?

what happens?




  1. Teams dont use the same signs all the time because they can easily be stolen by opposing teams.  Even my highschool team changes signs every inning if it has to.

    "If they're too obvious, they can be easily stolen. If they're too complicated, the players might miss them. Managers have changed the signs during the course of a game if there's a doubt about them being stolen. Managers routinely change their signs after a player has been traded because he will tell them to his new team. Former Phillies manager Danny Ozark had, at one point, different signs for infielders, outfielders and catchers. Former Padres manager Preston Gomez had a different sign for every player on the team, which got confusing."

  2. I think that most players do have somewhat of a respect thing there, but you can't guarantee that.  I would think they change their signs when they play the team that guy plays for, but I really don't know.  That's a good question that I would love to know the answer to, that's definately a star for you.

  3. brett farve

  4. They don't have to change signs. Every team uses similar signs, the only thing they change from game to game or inning to inning is a specific signal that acts as the decoder. In other words, coaches will go through a whole array of signs, the reader of the signs ignores all the decoy signals until he sees the decoder signal, then he knows the actual signal is the one after the decoder.

  5. the team changes them evey game they have generally the same signs but lets say one game will be second touch to the hat and then next game it will be 3rd touch to the hat and also the player has respect for the game plus the person giving the signs is in the dugout so it is hard to see

  6. The team will change signs, or at least some aspect of their signs so they are different from when that player was there.

    Players are paid to win so of course they will pass along the signs. Respect for the game says you try to get an advantage. You don't cheat and videotape signs or things like that, but any inside knowledge of the opposing team, or watching to see if a pitcher tips his pitches is fair game.  

  7. I think it would be respectful to not tell your new team the ex teams signs. That would be a big stab in the other teams back. Yes, I believe the player needs to adapt to the new team signs.

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