
When a woman is having multiples does she still breast feed?

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Im not having multiples or anything! I was just watching Jon and Kate plus 8 earlier and I was thinking god how did she breast feed all those babies




  1. With twins you can exclusively breastfeed. With more than that you would need to supplement. You can make a lot of milk if the demand is there.

  2. I have a firend that had twins and managed to nurse them all the way through their first year.  Somehow her body just managed to figure it out!  

    One was PLENTY for me!!

  3. I think with twins it would be okay, but more than that would be difficult, but a womans body is made to support however many babies she has, so the decision is up to her!!

  4. It depends on what the woman wants to do. Of course it's going to be harder with more than one baby. Some women are are up for the challenge while others aren't. But Kate didn't breastfeed.

  5. with twins it is totally possible to breastfeed exclusively, it MAY be possible with triplets too.  Usually triplets and up are at least supplemented.  It is extremely unlikely that she would have been able to exclusively breastfeed all 6 babies, there's just not enough time in the day. I think it's pretty safe to safe she formula fed (or perhaps fed donated breast milk) I don't know what they're situation was, but it would have been great to give the babies SOME breastmilk if possible.  Breastmilk is dose dependent, the more you get, the more benefits you get, but ever SOME breastmilk is very beneficial

  6. Depends on how many you have and how many nipples you have.

  7. Buy a top of the line breast pump, breastfeeding is definatly the way to go so make it possible and easier on yourself by pumping and bottle feeding some as well.

  8. Yes!

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