
When a woman makes a post about her "vignia"?

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When a woman makes a post about her "vignia" and doesn't know it is spelled "v****a" does it make you feel there is no hope left for the world?




  1. First, it's sad to see that a woman,the one that owns a v****a, doesn't even know how to spell it. Then, secondly, her boyfriend urinates in her, that's disgusting. One things' for sure, he doesn't  know what he's doing.

  2. I don't know about YOU guys, but this whole question P!SSES me off and I don't even have a vignia to urinate in.

  3. Do you honestly think the person who posted that question was a woman? tut tut.

  4. Absolutely among many other things posted on Yahoo! answers. LOL

  5. Andy, it makes me realize how badly the educational system is failing the students. It's rarely the kid's fault.

  6. what are you trying to say

  7. I don't know about hope for the world ~ to me it's just another person not using spell-check.

  8. i think it was just a slip up

  9. oh lord please tell me what person, man or woman, actually spelled it that way?

    It's quite sad but then again many people don't know a lot about their bodies, sexual health and reproduction.

    I knew a guy in high school who didn't believe the ovaries were real because he had never seen them(he thought they were on the outside of the body)

  10. no , but cooter is easy to spell.

  11. there is always hope

  12. Not only can't she spell the word right, she also can't figure out how to hit the "Check Spelling" button. Unfortunately, she probably hasn't figured out how to use a condom, either.

  13. Actually that inspires hope. I see that as just another clue from the s*x gods telling us that women are here and ready to be lead by men to whatever purpose, whenever men are ready to take action.

  14. sometimes people do that because they think it will be blocked, or they are being twee - it is not necessarily illiteracy

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