
When a woman says "I haven't had physical relations with men" what do you think that means?

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If she had kissed a boy in middle school out of peer pressure, or danced close with a guy at a party (who physically touched her but not her private parts), does that "count" as "physical relations with men"? Or does "physical relations" directly refer to s*x and kissing/hugging/etc actual men (not boys in puberty)?




  1. it means she hasn't has s*x with a man basically

  2. Almost 99% of the time when someone says that they haven't had physical relations with men, it means that they are a virgin still.  

  3. physical relations doesnot mean that a guy should not have touched her even......the handshakes, dances etc r a part of life and r not at all dealing with the relations made physically.....s*x, hugs, kisses r actually physical contacts b/w men and women

  4. It only refers to s*x. Not kissing or x*x or whatever.

  5. Physical relations means s*x.  Not "petting", or making out.  

  6. I think that physical relations would be in reference to s*x...the way your question sounds.

  7. pretty that girl hasn't had s*x and is a virgin.

  8. I think she is trying to keep her private life private and does not want to talk about private matters. A dance is usually not considered a physical relationship even though a dance can be a bit sexual. A dance is more of a s**y type of exercise.  

  9. I think that refers to s*x

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