
When a wrestler is injured, how can people be happy and celebrate?

by  |  earlier

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I feel sick reading. "wohoo i hope he stays injured forever" whenever a wrestler is injured. It's not just cena, i've read same about kennedy and orton..

Seriously, why are you so ungrateful they go out their to entertain us every week you b******s.

You may not like them but atleast give them some respect?




  1. i am embarrassed when i see that.

    truly sad some people would become happy when someone who gives there all to entertain and keep there livelihood gets injured.

  2. because its one less person out there living it up and wasteing fans hard earned money and time with  cheesy and crazi@ss  storylines and no talent ..........

  3. cause some people are IGNORANT! imagine if that was your dad or brother or etc would you want them to be injred forever? think about it. people are so ungrateful now a days they only care about themselves and not about how other people may feel or what kinda pain they go through as long as they are making them happy...

  4. I agree!!!!!! I hate the people who are saying these sick answers. They really should find another sport/show to watch.  

  5. i agree i mean they r people to!!!!!! u would be mad if someone in ur family or one of ur friends got hurt and ppl were talkin bout how happy they were b-cuz of it

  6. I'll give Cena respect when he admits he shouldn't be wrestling and doesn't come back. I'd do that whether he was injured or not.

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