
When airplane pilots have to pee where do they go?

by  |  earlier

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i have flown many times and never seen a pilot pee




  1. pilot says i have to go pee and the co pilot says ok i will fly the plane till u get bak and the pilot gets out of his seat and goes to the toilet which is in the cockpit and pees then he flushes the toilet and goes bak to his seat puts on his seatbelt then asks the co pilot do u want to keep flying the plane for the next hour and the co pilot says ok watever and then after an hour the pilot takes control of the plane and then radios for landing and they say u are cleared for landing and they land the plane,passengers get off,and the pilot can use any bathroom he wants to pee in

  2. Adult diapers.  

    Astronauts use them - so why not the low tech pilots?

    Good Luck...

  3. They use the restroom right outside the cabin.  

    Providing they have a co-pilot to take his/her place in their absence!

  4. The pilot's seats have holes underneath them.

  5. they have there own loo

  6. As far as larger planes go, most have a bathroom on board. For smaller general aviation airplanes, the pilot ussually just holds it until they can land. If they are on a long cross country flight with no airports near by they can use one of a long list of products availible for just this situation...

  7. You know when you ask for an orange juice during the flight, did you ever wonder why the flight attendants have just come from the front of the plane?

  8. Funnel with a hose to outside of the aircraft.

  9. Normally they use the lavatory closest to the cockpit.  Most passengers do not keep watch on the cockpit door, so it is not noticeable when a pilot exits. The further a passenger is from the cockpit, the less attention. As for oxygen masks, at altitudes above 10,000 ft., either the pilot or copilot is required to keep a mask on at all times.  A pilot will not leave the cockpit (for a toilet break) on flights 3hrs or less. Only if it becomes absolutely necessary will he leave the cockpit. A cockpit crew consists of the pilot, co-pilot and First Officer (Flight Engineer).

  10. Haha, someone already answered it, but yea, there is a lavratory near the cockpit..

    Also, out of all the questions you could think ask this one?

  11. most commercial planes have lavatories on them. The large cargo planes that I fly don't have bathrooms. So we take a bottle or two with us. On our 727s, which do have a lavatory, the pilots have to clean the lav after each flight, if the lav is used. So our 727 pilots usually use bottles.

  12. If in the event they do need to go they use something called a lavatory. If it's in a plane with no bathroom like a Cessna or a military jet they use Lil Johns or if it's a lady they use the Lil John with the "Lady J Adaptor".

  13. The empty gin bottle next to their seat.

  14. They use the "blue room" (the bathroom) closest to the cockpit. They try to go at stops if they have the time. On long distance flights,however, they use the closest facility on the aircraft. When  one pilot leaves the cockpit, the other is required to put on his oxygen mask until the other one returns.



  15. p**s their pants. lol

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