
When all h**l breaks loose next month, will you flee to the "safe harbors" contrived by the enemy?

by  |  earlier

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  1. yes, my boat is going in the water today!

  2. h**l will nevr break loose  

    not to worry ,

    there are  tragedies every day but nothing thay we cant handle

  3. I dont believe all h**l is going to break loose.  I believe every generation believes that each new generation is ruining everything and I believe it will always be that way.

  4. why do you have the video for les mis. on here it doesn't make sense. When all h**l breaks loose (its starting but i don't think it'll happen next month) No i will not be going into a FEMA camp if thats what you meant.

  5. Geeze another stupid you tube video. Just what is this "h**l" that's supposed to break loose and just where is it supposed to break loose?

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