
When all is going wrong?

by  |  earlier

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What do you do to make yourself feel better and face the world again?




  1. God sucks! all he makes is Jihad. Just look at your self in a mirror, find the flaws of your body and find the good parts. try new styles ect...

  2. I always think of the millions that are worse off than me. At least I am fit and healthy and have all my limbs and organs.

  3. look after  number  one!   yourself,

    1st  important rule  of all.

    always  remember  that else will.

  4. pamper myself a bit first...long hot soak in bath, some choclates... sleep my fill for the night ( or day

    which ever cycle im on ) start thinking of all those that have it worse.

    start thinking on all the things iv overcome.

    attack the house in a mamoth cleaning, rearanging session ( if i have the energy )

    then look at where things went wrong and try to make changes in my behaviour or responses or in life in general.


  5. Hi,

    I usually try to keep myself busy to help me avoid the negitive feelings and listen to music and sing my heart out....instead of screaming i guess lol


  6. buy something dangerous.

  7. I ask God to help me. And it works!

  8. You need to acknowledge your feelings (sad, angry, etc) and try to pinpoint their source.  You may not want to feel the bad stuff, but that's the only way to allow them to healthily go away.  You may also want to talk to a therapist if you truly feel like you may be depressed.  Good luck - I hope everything gets better for you!

  9. To get perspective on things I sometimes go somewhere peaceful and stare into the sky or out over the ocean and think about the vastness of the universe and the universe and scales of time involved in cosmic events. It makes me realise that a lot of things that I can get worked up over are really not important and all that really matters is appreciating the positives and making the best of the time you have.

    This works especially well with the pettier issues that can sometimes drag us all down.  

  10. step:1

    people may say in my area dont listen to scotty hes crazy but if you dont listen how you gonna overcome your problems? easy. . . . im gonna sound like a d**k saying this but **** it, you may not be the best of looks but just say to yourself. . .**** it i am who i am


    you might be soft but who gives a flying **** you need to go get yourself some bruises go and get yourself ****** up somehow

    or if your hard enough **** the other person up get it on video post it on youtube and tell the world to sit on its fathers d**k, THATS GOD!


    you could get plastic surgery NOT thats a joke dont do that it will ruin your life waxman.

    find friends who share interests like these:




    whatever fuels you up do it

    and dont play comuter games they will make you believe you can do something when you cant coz all we people are is maggots to the system and if there were no rebels to the system there would need to be no system

  11. Ugh- First you gotta do something to unwind a bit... be it taking 10 slow breaths, going for a run, hitting a punching bag, yoga, losing yourself in a book... whatever... do something just to relax even a little. Then, once you're not so tightly wound, have a good breakdown if you need to. After you've got all the emotions/stress out... just know that everything happens for a reason and that someday you will look back and it'll all make sense. Life goes on... even though sometimes we just want to sleep through it.

  12. I take some of my anti-anxiety medication and then I take a short nap. And hope that I wake up re-energized and in a better mood. But, sleep does that to me, I never know how I'm going to wake up sometimes.

    Also, I try my best to relax for the day that I feel horrible. I tell myself I'll try better tomorrow. And that I'm just going to sit with myself tonight and do something that I enjoy (like watching a movie).

    If you have really bad depression like me, the second one is likely not going to help.

  13. I just think to my self get to day over and it's got to be better tomorrow, and it's always is.

  14. There's a lot that you can do.

    First calm down, stressing about it is just going to make it worse. I know that's harder than i make it sound. Have you tried any deep breathing or meditation techniques? These help alleviate anxiety and help you relax.

    Try to understand what is going wrong. Is it a friend that is causing problems for you? Is it stress with school? Did you have a breakup? Writing helps a lot, even if you don't write well. If you get it out on paper it makes it seem more objective, more like something you could actually do something about.

    Look at the bigger picture. I know it seems like the world may be collapsing, but that's just around you. Get out, change your scenery, make new friends, change your routine. Life is waht you make it. It's a HUGE world, full of opportunity, full of life. Making even a small change could be just what you need.

    Do something you like. Do you like pets? Go to an animal shelter and ask if they need pet walkers, get a job at a pet store. Do you like running? Try out different places to run, different parks around where you live will have running trails. Join a gym, it's a great way to meet people and a great way to motivate you to exercise... see where i'm going? you can change your situation. You can make your life better!

    Good luck to you... look up, life's amazing, grab hold and make it what you want it to be!

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