
When am I considered an adult?

by  |  earlier

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I live in Alabama and I'm wondering when I don't have to abide by my parents rules anymore. I thought it was 18, but I'm not so sure now.

I think the age of majority is 19, but I don't know what that means.





  1. Here's the deal.........Live in their house, live by their rules. At 18 you can get your own apartment............What's it gonna be?

  2. 18

  3. At age 18 you can live in your own apartment in most cases. Some don't like anyone under 21 unless you have a cosigner.

  4. under the law of US. it it 18 ^^

    hope i helped!!!!!!!☺☻♥♦♣♠

  5. Hello there little one. Before I get into the legal response I would like to try to explain something to you. Bear with me ok, I know you don't want to be preached at and I"m not going to. I"m sure you hear your share from mom and dad " I hope ".  Well if you didn't you wouldn't be asking this question !  Maturity comes with responsibility. Do you understand what that means ?  As you age more and more responsibility is given to you. For instance, did mom and dad give you house cleaning detail all the time when you were younger? Do you gripe about it? Sure you did, you were a kid it comes with the territory. But after several years of hearing " clean up that room " or " take out the trash" you grew to understand that if you didn't what was coming. So you matured a little and didn't even realize it. When you are ready to except the adult responsibilities, as in paying all the bills, Car payment, house payment, insurance, grocery's, cell phone, internet, and keeping money to run on as well, by the time you start all this you'll wish you could go back. It's not going to be as easy as you thing ! Now, to the legal part. I do believe at 18 you become emancipated by your state. I live under NC law so call your local clerk of courts office to make sure in your state what the age is. One more thing, Do you know what you want to do with the rest of your life ? If you decide to leave home and get your own apartment begaining your life as you will. If you have no clue what you will be doing tomorrow and live day by day the next thing you know it your " Old " and then you'll look back and say " I should have done this or that ". From a caring parent, if you want to grow up all at once I'm telling you there is no fun in life that way !  Listen to what mom and dad is telling you. I hope they have raised you and not let you do as you please, because if that is so this may be the reason why you are where you are now. Wanting to do what you want and not listening to common sence. Sorry about the long response.  God bless, and  Good Luck !  

  6. as far as i know its the age of 18. However if you live at need to abide by their rules. i lived at home till i was 19 and i followed my parents rules. that's what happens when you live at home. otherwise move out!

  7. call your local non-emergency police department and ask them whats the law in the state of Alabama. They'll let you know. I was actually just told that in some states like NY it's 21.

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