
When america will get success in iraq and afghanistan?

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is it possible to defeat muslims that have given a great loss to america.




  1. Not in our lifetime, they've been fighting for thousands of years and we're not going to change that.

  2. It will become a success as soon as the troops are relocated from Iraq to Afghanistan.  AQ and the Taliban have their training camps in Afghanistan, not Iraq.

  3. no, the goal isnt to succeed. The goal in Afghanistan is the Unocal pipeline

    the goal in Iraq is oil contracts and no bid contracts for Halliburton

    so they arent even working toward defeating anyone

  4. Not if Obama wins.  

  5. 3 words..

    Never Ending Story

  6. We will never have success in Iraq and Afghanistan because we are there for the wrong reasons. It is not possible to defeat anyone as long as they have free will. Sept 11th was seven years ago. If we haven't reached an end by now then we never will. END THIS WAR!

  7. get all our guys out and just nuke them all

  8. America has gotten the best results it will ever get in those countries nand that was like 2 years ago. Right now we're wasting taxpayer money, because Jr. and his office don't want to admit that they made a mistake and got the country into a war that we can't get out of.And the fact that Jr. decided to wait almost 5 years before telling those countries that they have to start taking control of themselves.  They gotten used to use being there and really aren't that interested in doing that unless they are forced.

  9. When democrats quit hating our military.

  10. There is no victor in war. It is a delusion.

  11. What is your definition of success?

  12. Your grammer seems to be quite limited and I dont really understand what you mean. But if you mean when will America have success in the war in the middle east then the answer is unknown.

    And what does America define success as? Is America's intension to bring democracy into the nations or simply find and eliminate possible threats?

    EDIT: Person below me. What is wrong with you? If America launches a nuke to any other nation then you think they wont retaliate? Infact if any country in the world decides to launch nukes and destroys land which could otherwise be used it would cause that country to fall. The world will never just sit back to watch nukes being launched.

  13. 2012

  14. There is success in Iraq but you won't hear that on ABC, CBS or NBC.  Out of all the benchmarks that were set to confirm success all then have been met except for maybe 2.  What used to be the most dangerous place in the world (Iraq) is not now the most dangerous place is Afghanistan because what is left of al qaida has been forced out of Iraq.

    A better question is why isn't the media telling us we have reason to celebrate for the victories of our valiant soldiers?

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