
When americans say england are they referring to the United Kingdom or just England?

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As a South African I never call the UK england because I feel that it disrespects Scotland, Ireland and Wales




  1. Dont worry how The Central Americans  Refer to England We Dont Care Wales Doesnt Care Scotland Doesnt And Neither Do Ireland We Are Used to it And we Adjust Accordingly Remembering That As long As the Point Is Answered We Are All Happy

  2. Sometimes in Mexico I say England just because it is more recognizable than United Kingdom. I try to always say United Kingdom  in America for the same reason that you do. Many Americans don't know the difference.


    Incidentally, many Latin Americans feel that calling citizens of the U.S.A. Americans disrespects them, because everyone in the western hemisphere are Americans. If possible, I say Northern Americans (not North Americans) as a polite word for someone from USA and Canada. Many times I say gringos in casual conversation, and I use Americans as a last resort. It is a problem, because USAers sound stupid, even if you say it in Spanish, "Estadounidenses".


  3. Just England

  4. When I say England, I just mean England...

  5. most don't know the difference.... however, all the parts are socialist states... but England is being turned to islamist.

  6. I think it depends on how good their geography skills are. Some Americans know that England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland make up the UK, while some Americans think that England IS the UK. :P

  7. England is part OF the UK.  England and the UK are totally different things.  An English person is just automatically part of the UK.  When Americans say England, they mean England.  

  8. Personally when I say England I mean the English part starting all the way from London to Eastbourne:) well can include soem other ones but this is just straight forward...

    Saying United Kingdom I refer it to: four constituent countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.


  9. It's probably just means england but some also use Britain/ UK to mean england also.  

  10. it's just northern ireland that's part of the uk. i say england when i'm referring to england, the uk to the threm collectively. i'm not trying to be offensive...but do the americans know the difference between the uk and england?

  11. well who knows differs 4 different people.

  12. I lived in the states for 3 years. I now live in britain as i did before.

    I  knew some people that thought that london was the whole of europe! and they are very well educated...unfortunately nothing about Britain! Some people know the facts, some people don't. But Americans are totally isolated from the rest of the world, they aren't stupid, they just know nothing about Britain or Europe! It's ALL America.

    I would say they are referring to the UK as a whole, but you never know...

    the majority would mean the UK

    Hope this helped. :)

  13. It's ONLY northern Ireland that's part of the uk!!!!!!!!

  14. I think a lot of Americans don't realize that Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are separate countries.  Or the rest of Ireland for that matter.  

    We Americans are very parochial.  The proof I always point to is to look at our newspapers.  'International News' is only half a page, buried on page 27.  We really aren't aware of, and don't care about what is past those two big oceans.  To most of us, 'England' is some group of foggy islands somewhere out across the Atlantic where people talk funny.  

  15. England means England when i say it.

  16. Well the Yanks are so thick that they don't know where Europe is, they think it's part of England.

    That said, it should be we stuffed them all.  

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