
When an adult had been arrested only once in his lifetime. will his record be clean after a year??

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I heard that if he stays clean for a year, the file will be deleted.

Is that true?




  1. You can be arrested and  charges dropped or cautioned so that does not count, you were not convicted. Unless it is in relation to child abuse and vulnerable people

  2. Depends on the crime.

  3. No

  4. The point of a record is that people that need to know, do.  So those that need it, such as LE and the courts, will always know.

  5. Depends upon your state I guess.  It may not be public, but the courts will ALWAYS be able to see it.

  6. It is quite a different thing to be "arrested " than to be charged with an offence,  go to trial and then be CONVICTED of a crime .

    A criminal conviction stays on your record, untill you apply for ,and receive a pardon for that crime.

    Convictions as a  juvenile, are sealed at the point when you become an adult.

    In the American law system,  there are minor offences, and the more serious ones are called felonies. In the British system, minor offences are summary convictions, and serious offences are indictible offences. Summary convictions bring a sentence of two years or less, and the others are two years or longer, upon conviction

    Jim B. Toronto.

  7. It all depends upon the severity of the crime

  8. No.

    In the uk all crime is recorded for life, however the data protection act is making the case that this is illegal and challenging the police in court.

  9. I can't answer for every single jurisdiction in the United States, but I was questioned about malicious destruction of property in 1988, and it's still on record. I was never charged for a crime, merely questioned, and I have to disclose it when going through a criminal history background. If this question is in reference to application to a law enforcement agency, then the answer would be no. It would benefit the applicant to disclose ANY law enforcement contact, however slight.

  10. That would depend on the crime and what kind of deal he worked out with the prosecutor.................

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