
When an asian runs the pizza place what would u think? would u still go there when pizza is so good?

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an friend who is asian wants to run a pizza store

but she's not sure what will americans think if u see a asian cooking ur favorite pizza in the kitchen?

the pizza is from italia and the owner rite now is from italia

my friend is worried if she should take it.

she can't speak english well.

she has a daughter who speaks for her(kind of like translating)

would she be alright?




  1. I think its fine. As long as there aren't any rumors that there like spitting in the food or something like that other wise its fine. If its a clean place i'll buy from it.

  2. I wouldn't think anything of it.

    And heck yes!

  3. if i saw an Asian running a pizza shop....  I would be ok with it.

    considering the fact that I'm Asian. =P

    if she wants to run a pizza shop, she should go for it. she's got nothing to lose.

    best of luck to her. =)

  4. As long as the Pizza tastes good. Service good and communicate well. Why not?

  5. a pizza is a pizza.... no matter who makes it....

  6. im italian and i have that opinion were i think no1 can make ur nationalitys food better than that nationality ..srry but um id walk in and walk right back out no offense but thats just awkward ..thats like wanting a lawyer and getn a actor who plays a lawyer not the same right? srry im very honest ..i wouldnt walk into a chinese restaurant or mexican if others were running it no1 know's better than the person who grew up with it ...

  7. uhh


    why should i care?

    pizza is pizza

    as food is food


    i don't care who makes it

    as long as it isn't some idiot.


    your friend shouldn't worry.

  8. Many people are very sterotypical and may think twice about ordering italian food from a chinese owner.

    I think she could still be successful, but it would probally benifit her to make her restraunt more authentic than the typical pizza shop in youll area. She should also try to minimize the presence of her chinese workers. For instance, if all her servers/cashiers/cooks were italian, no one would even pay notice to the asian owner.

    Just make sure the employees have diverse orgins, having no majority nationality (unless its italian).

  9. As long as the pizza is good, I'd have no problem. There are some Italians that can't cook Italian food.

    I used to work in a Greek restaurant, and they had oriental people cooking in the kitchen, and they did a good job!

  10. Yes, she should take it and it's alright. For me, I wouldn't mind an asian running a pizza place as long as he/she knew what they were doing and knew how to manage everything alright. If someone was to not go to a pizza place just bc an asian ran the place, than that someone is discriminating against asians. Asians could do anything,not just run an asian food store or restaurant.

  11. uh me love you long time?

  12. It's a question of how moral a person is of letting new things enter their society

    a person like me wouldn't mind at all cuz food is food.

    you get stereotypical people who might not like it but as long as your friend is friendly

    and the food is foody(delicious)

    then i say go for it.

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