
When an indoor male cat in heat gets outside; will he come home?

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When an indoor male cat in heat gets outside; will he come home?




  1. Male cats don't go into heat.

  2. A unaltered male cat is a Tom, they do not go into heat like females. If they get out and there are females in heat they will try to mate with them. They will come home when they are done exploring, they know where there food comes from. Some cats get lost or killed when they go out, best to not let him out, AND get him neutered!

  3. Unneutered male cats don't go in to heat like a female does - you can say that they are always in heat.  They are just responding to the call of nature - they want to go outdoors to seek out females and defend his territory against other males.  Sometimes they go far away to do this, and there are many dangers and risks for them (cars, cat fights, predators, sick people, dogs - and on it goes).  

    If and when he comes home, get him neutered.  Without those male hormones controlling his behavior, he's more likely to be content indoors.  Not to mention the fact that he won't be spraying your house - the urine from an intact and mature male cat absolutely reeks!  

  4. It is the female that goes into heat, not the male, but the male wants a female so bad, he will do anything to get to heat, and I mean anything. If he gets out and goes after a female in heat, he will come back eventually. He may come back with injuries too and males often get in fights when they go after a female. This is why it is so important to get a male neutered, so they stay close to home always.

  5. Yea, if he remembers his territory and doesn't go too far away.

  6. If your cat gets outside you really need to have it neutered/spayed.  One un-fixed cat that is allowed outside can lead the births of 20,000 new cats within a year, and many of these cats end up dying or are put to sleep due to overcrowded shelters.  They breed like crazy and mature quickly.  

    Hopefully, if nothing happens to your cat, it should come home.  After that please get it fixed.  Even if you intend on keeping it indoors neutering/spaying reduces the chances of your cat developing certain cancers.  If you decide to let your cat outside, just be aware that letting a cat outside regularly cuts their expected lifespan in half.

  7. male cats don't go into heat, that is for the females.  If she smells a female cat in heat, he'll do his business then come back

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