
When an insane broad on YA says that I'm "marginally delusional", what is that supposed to do?

by  |  earlier

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OTHER Than make me laugh at her even more?




  1. ignore because u have no idea who is the answerer

  2. Well it actually shows how much of a loser you are to even care and it actually shows how ignorance is so easy to fall into... especially when you go and answer peoples questions with insults.. You are a sad example of a person becasue you have no life and spend it worrying about Yahoo answers... you stay in this all day just to get attention and answers... When will you ever get a life?? That should be your next question... I bet people can answer that for you... Enough said... you can reply and give your effort for the last word but it will only make me laugh at you because you will not get a reply... i dont quarrell back and forth with children or mentally retarded people... Thank you and goodbye LOSER... reply all you want.... insult all you want... your just a fake and a fat loser behind a computer screen... I laugh at people like you... not only now but when i see the sad excuse of a human being walking past me on the streets its to hilarious how shameless you people are looking as bad as you do... Youll never have a girlfriend and never lose your virginity on yahoo all day yo... go find some chick to occupy your time instead of your video game girl fantasies.... goodbye... have a nice day.... loser....

  3. show that you are obsessive b/c you give a hoot that she is saying anything about you on an anonymous board perused by thousand  who may never see her post ...

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