
When an issue regarding foreign policy arises...?

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Is Joe Biden going to run the country for Barry or what?




  1. what are you talking about. First of All, It has not been released by the Obama campaign who the VP pick is.

    Second, do you not know anything about the US Government and how the President and Vice President Office works. Research the job of the Vice President before you ask a stupid question like that.

    Barack Obama will handle foreign policy issues way better than Bush did.  He is a smart man with common sense and diplomacy. He will be able to handle foreign policy issues without putting our men and women in harms way, buddy.

  2. Well now that would be very George Bush of BARRY wouldn't it?  Let the Vice President run the country that is....

    If there is a foreign policy crisis I for one would like to have a 30 year member of the foreign affairs committee running things and the more grey hair the better.  Nothing is a better than having a old person with a lot of experience and knowledge of history running things in a time like that.  Young people may have heart but it is just too emotional to take care of the United States in a crisis.  Barry's emotional talk just won't protect us when we need it most.    

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