
When and how did you fall in love? ?

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When and how did you fall in love? ?




  1. I fall in love when the other person sees the real me and accepts it.  It could be any part of me.  Love is a great catalyst for change.  I have fallen in love many times.  I have fallen in love with animals, religions, people, cultures, languages...

  2. when i first saw her... i was a little skeptical. she was a little darker than the others around. but she had some nice curves, the ones you could rub your hands on all day. i thought long and hard about her for a good hour, then i said "h**l with it, i'm doing it". so i paid the man $450 to take her home.

    she was in the front seat with me the whole drive home, laid right across my lap looking up at me. i did a little finger action at every stop light. i had a two door pickup, so i didn't have much a choice.

    when we got home, went straight to the bedroom. i sat on the bed, she was right on top of my legs. and i started using my fingers. she made sounds i never thought i'd hear. in a matter of minutes i was ready. i put it in her. the 1/4 inch cable. turned on the amplifier, and whoa. that was the best Takamine acoustic/electric guitar i ever bought.

    i was in love.

  3. Alone, under the full moon, in a pumpkin patch...I was bored...she was gourd.

  4. HAHA!!

    Ok, I used to work at a grocery store. Saw this guy here and their. We were eventually in the break room at the same time. He was talking to one of his friends when he said that all he wants to do in life is live at his parents and watch midget p**n. His friend said something and then he said, "well were probably freakin this girl out with my talk about midget p**n", at this time I was getting ready to go back to work. I got up and collected my things. As I passed him I said , "No, actually I love midget p**n, what scares me is how negative you are about your life - forever working here and always living with your parents. You need to think more positive about yourself."

    So, about a week later we were dating and have been together ever since....going on 7 years now!!

    Ahhh...what a love story =)

  5. well, the first time it was becuase they were so very nice to me, and fit almost everything i had wished for but it didn't work out. How i want to fall in love is to be in some fancy ball gown and meet this really hansome kind well mannered boy (who will be in a tux) and it will be happily ever after!;...

  6. Okay this is cool... my boyfriend was my National Guard Recruiter... one day i stayed long after cleaning up the armory just talking and relating to him and a few minutes later i had a mojor car accident and he came to my rescue after that we bonded sooooo much and he told me he was falling so fast for me and he loved me... he asked me to come live with him in North Carolina and here i am... i love him so much... hope you liked my story... hope it was good enuff for best answer *wink wink*

  7. Last year I fell in love in November with my (now) husband. He swept me off my feet from the gaze of his eyes and we couldn't stop looking at each other. He was the same age as me (24). I met him on a cruise where he worked as an amazing bartender. He was very talented because not anly was he adorable, he could flair the bottles and put on a good show.They had a rule on the ship that he wasn't supposed to go on a date with (passengers)me and he did anyway. Our first date was in the Bahamas. We were so compatible a waiter where we were though we were husband and wife. We spent hours on a secluded beach where we had our first kiss. Then we went back on the ship and he went back to work. Yes, he worked all the night before, spent all day with me, and then went to work all night again. And we had our second date after that. It felt as if we had already known each other for years. We went snorkeling and we laid on the island in the sun enjoying our life. When our dates ended and we had to go to our respected cabins, we couldn't stop thinking about each other. I wanted to be with him every second. Then the night after that he told me he wanted to quit his job and be with me. In order to have this talk we had to hide in a room so we could make the plans. Well, a security guard caught us and he got laid off. In the meantime while the ship was still sailing everyone was asking him why he would risk his job for a stranger. He told them he loved me and he wants to be with me. I felt so bad but also happy because wither way he would be with me. They didn't believe him. He is from Peru and they threatened him saying he would never be allowed in the US again. When we got back to land they got airplane tickets back to Peru and made sure he got on the flight. Days later he flew back to me with whatever money he had left and arrived on Thanksgiving night. Now we are happily married and own a beautiful home together with a wonderful doggy and kitty. We soon hope to have our own little ones. He is my fairy tale come true! He is tall, dark, and handsome..... and incredibly romantic. I am in the Air Force and currently deployed overseas. Once I come home, we made a promise we would never be apart again. A happy Thanksgiving it will always be!

  8. I saw this piece of cheesecake...and it just happened.

    Magical it was.

  9. u know ur in love if all u do is think about that person every second and when ur around that person u get a lil shy or nervous

  10. didn't happen yet =\

  11. Well, I used to hop from one lily pad to another just enjoying my frog existence. Each lily pad was unique, but not so unique that it would keep my attention, so I would hop along. I would rest for a while until a more exotic lily pad would float by. Some times I would miss the pad entirely and splash in the pond, but by determination would not allow the lily pad to escape me, soon I would catch up, and climb aboard. One day, I felt strange; the little feeling in my belly began to grow. I felt strange in my green skin. I had this feeling all of my life, but that day, it was strong. I said to myself, "What is all this hopping about?" and that's when I saw her. A girl sitting on the edge of the pond. I hopped over to her and asked her for her name, and she said "Lilly" in a soft tone. She picked me up and gave me a kiss. My belly rumbled and my legs and arms grew. I grew into ...a prince! Complete with a crown. It worked out great! In fact, it is still working "RRRribit"!

  12. Love isn't something that you decide to have or to happen. Love happens to you and comes any time it pleases.

  13. about...ummm..... im not sure but im in love right now<333

  14. There's this girl i know and she treats me like absolute c**p. Turns out thats what ive been looking for all these years.

  15. well, i fell in love with this guy when i was 12 and how? well, my bestfriend use to like this guy and then she got his e-mail and she started talking to him and stuff and then she told him to add me and i so i added him and we talked on msn, first he didn't know who i was so he was mean bur then he found out who i was and then he told me that he liked me not my friend and i felt like a w***e. but then we kept it a secret and then we never told her that we liked eachother. but i told him to date her and he dated her online only, lol.

    and this is still going on, lol. and i'm 13 now. =) hehe.

  16. i met my bf in middle school..

    and we were very close friends and always had crushes on each other..

    then our freshman year of high school he asked me out. it was like he couldnt not be my bf anymore!

    and were about to be juniors and were still very happy together.  

  17. Hardly a day goes by I don't "Fall in Love" or see someone I would like to get to know better. Sometimes I fall in love watching a movie or watching 2 other people who are in Love. Love is beautful........fall in !!

  18. ...she was sitting there in the middle of a group of women and we made

    eye to eye contact...

    ...and we haven't look back and share our lives together with love...

    ...thanks for asking...

  19. This may seem cheesy but I met my boyfriend online at espin :) When I was 17. When we first met I had the feeling that he was the one and I have never doubted myself on that once. Granted we have only been dating for little over a year, but over that period of time we have become an amazing couple. We rarely fight, we don't hurt each others feelings, we do some weird things together....but the best part is, is that we complete each other. We are just about total opposites in every aspect of our lives, but we fit together so perfectly that nothing could come between us. He is everything that I want and need and I couldn't ask for anything more than that :)

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