
When and how did you stop co-sleeping?

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My daughters 2 and we've always co-slept. In fact I can't sleep without her beside me but I know I will have to let go eventually! But I also wonder how she will KNOW to sleep in her own room one day? Will, she, when she's older, one day just want her own bed? She has her own and knows it as 'little bed' and our bed is 'big bed' and she happily sleeps in both so long as I am with her. But i am interested in YOUR stories of when and how your child moved from your bed to their own.

(no mean or silly answers please)




  1. My daughter sleeps in our bed to but I work nights and my husband is wtih her  at night.and we just had a baby 7 weeks ago and now when the baby cries at night she gets woken up and she will try to get out of bed and it's hard for my husband to get her back to sleep and so the baby is still little we have him in our room. and so he didn't know what to do because she can't be getting up at night he closed the door and she cried while he was changing the baby and when he got back in the room she was upset and said papa I need you and it was very sad he felt bad so we have been thinking of tring her in her own room. so she gets better sleep but she is 2 and she will have a hard time and probably think she is being replaced.

  2. I think it is wonderful you co-sleep! When my baby is born I plan on doing the same. I think as long as you are okay with her sleeping with you then let her sleep with you as long as she wants to. From what I have seen kids just decide when they want to have their own big kid bed. All of my aunts kids co-slept, the oldest until she was 7 lol. And then one day she decided that she wanted her own room and bed. And my aunt set up a very nice room for her. Some kids just decide they want to be more independent and then they do it. I have seen a boy as old as 10 co-sleep with his mom, who was a single mom so it was not a crowded bed either.

    Maybe if you decide it is time for her to have her own room and she is not ready, maybe you can make it exciting. Let her pick her bed sheets and some decorations for her room. Let her pick a color to paint the wall with. Then invite a girl her age over so for her first night in her own room they can have a slumber party.

    I have a question for you though.... When she was a newborn, did you let her sleep in your bed with you or did you put a little crib in your room? I am just wondering becaue when my baby is born I want to co-sleep but I hear all these horror stories about crushing or suffocating your baby, or your baby smothering in your blanket or falling in cracks and suffocating. How did you co-sleep and if you had a seperate crib for her when dod you feel it safe to put her in the bed with you?

  3. Co-Sleeping is actually a great bonding experience.  We had to stop our children when they were 3 because it just took up way to much space.  To transition them into sleeping in thier own beds we started a bedtime routine and found that tucking them in every night and kissing them really helped.  They are still welcome in our room but they have to fall asleep in thier own room first and then come to ours if they need to.

  4. try and get her to figure out that it's time she will evntually learn. What about your husband ????????? try and just put her in her "little bed" and don't go in it's not good for her either if you can't let go slowly she'll see it's time to go into her own bed  

  5. Well my two year old still cosleeps, and it *is* a bit crowded with 4 of us (Mommy, daddy, 28 month old, and 8 month old)  but I trust like breastfeeding he will outgrow it before he goes away to college.

    It *will* happen.  However like potty training sometimes there may need to be a *little* incentive.

    When our children develop a "good" habit, one that suits us, we are afraid it is not going to last. But when our children develop a "bad" habit, one that does not suit us, we are afraid it is going to last forever. So many people are afraid that their children will not grow up. We are told to feed them solids with a spoon at three weeks of age, lest babies will never learn to eat solids, let alone with a spoon. We are told to toilet train them when they are one year old or they will never quit wearing diapers. We are told to begin to discipline them at one month, otherwise they will never listen to us. We are told that children must always sleep in their own bed or they will always want to sleep with us. It is commonly believed that babies need to be weaned by the mother. And yet when weaning is left totally up to the child, it happens in a natural, healthy, and relaxed way. At the time the child no longer needs direct physical contact with his mother, then he weans himself from the breast. Likewise, parents' experiences indicate that the healthy child will wean himself in time from the parental bed.


  6. My husband used to be gone a lot for work too and i wanted my baby in my bed with me! Once my husband started to be home everynight it began to get uncomfortable. The way we got our daughter in her own room/bed was with routine, consistancy, and teamwork. You and your husband HAVE to work together and you have to stick to the routine. Its not easy and there WILL be kicking and screaming. I would say that as long as your husband is working nights and its not a problem to have her in the bed with you dont push the issue.  


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