
When and how long will it take for me to become a millionaire?

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College Student




  1. Just get a good job, live VERY frugally and invest, invest, invest.  

    The best way to become a millionaire is to save and not to spend.

  2. Im wondering if that is the correct question. Instead of when, address the why question first. Why become a millionaire? To not have to worry bout stuff? To flount your power? Find yourself and the money wont matter.

  3. If you bury $1 in the ground every day since Jesus was born you'd still be over $250,000 short of becoming a millionaire.

    The fastest way is buying property. Property is on a cycle:

    In a given country: it goes up for 7 years; flat or down for 7 years; up for 7 years etc.

    So you buy at the bottom of a cycle with a 5% deposit - hold for 7 years (renting out or living) and sell.

    Find another country with the opposite cycle and buy (with your profits) - hold -sell. etc.

    It works.

  4. When you find out...let me in on the secret...=)  Good luck!!


  5. This sounds crazy but...

    Pick a field like finance or something in that area.

    learn to be the middle man.

    Invest in some properties..

    Ill give it 6 years

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