
When and if Queen Elizabeth II dies, how will you feel?

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Will you feel indifferent? Sad? Glad? Mad?




  1. Am i suppose to feel anything for her? she hasn't done anything for me and doesn't even know me, so why should i be worrying myself with sorrow for someone i dont really care for???

  2. Id say again and again "thank God the *****-leech-pickpocket of the british nation is gone forever."

  3. I would feel zip, because her and her entire brood of purple parasites possess for me (and 'intelligent' society at large) as much significance as a gnat.

  4. I'll feel sad, I think, as I do when anyone I've admired dies.  

    This Queen is one grand lady.  She has lived for a long time, doing her duty as best she can.

  5. There is no if,she will die one day.and there will be far more sadness than when a madman's dog mother dies.

  6. What do you mean IF? Everyone is going to die eventually? I really don't know how I feel actually seeing as I don't know the Queen that well (ok lets face it, I don't know the Queen at all)

  7. I will feel a bit sad. And there's no *if* about it unless you know something I don't know. =)

  8. She has represented the United Kingdom with dignity, class and honor. She sometimes has been behind the times and seemed a bit too stuffy and superior to her people but she has served her country well and would be missed. She is one of a kind and I doubt we will ever see another like her. And that is a shame. Even though I have only been to England once and I am an american I admire her beyond belief and wish more leaders of state could be like her. I doubt William will be anything like her and it is a shame. It will be like when we lost mother theressa because like when she died it was known that there would never be anyone like her again. I hope she lives another 20 years because I believe she is one of a kind and like mother theressa no one will ever be like her.

  9. It will be sad to lose such a gracious and respected lady. She is the symbol of the UK to the entire world, and the last of her generation. We won't see her type of dignity and dedication to duty again, the monarchy will have to change and adapt to new times.

  10. Sad for sure.  

    She is a good person and tried to be a good influence.

  11. Queen Elizabeth II WILL die like everyone else on the planet. It's a question of when, not IF!

  12. I don't know it would depend if I got to know her by then. I'm sure she'll live to a ripe old age. Other than that, I won't really be shocked or sadden I'm used to seeing old people die, I don't even cry anymore if one of my relatives pass. I have a lot of old relatives.

  13. I will feel very sad.

  14. Oh come on people! will he r death make an inmact on YOUR life? no! unless your roylaty which i doubt. i personally wont care less (i dont like  for being nasty to Diana)

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