
When and what do i do when my tortiose is ready to hibernate?

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Ive had a tortoise for a few years and was told not to let her hibernate for the first 2 because she's too young now its summer and shes around three years old i dont have a clue what to do or when she can hiberanet help please !




  1. Dont mistake her for being dead and bury her. only to realise that she is infact hibernating. Then dig her up only to find that you have infact now become a tortise murderer.

    (my uncle actually did that. Poor poor Donny)

  2. you don't have to hibernate her.  if you are not experienced with hibernation don't try it now.  i have a russian tortoise and i don't hibernate him.  if you REALLY want to hibernate her then contact a tortoise expert or talk to your vet.  :)

  3. here is a site honey that will tell you all you need to know about safe hibernation, i don't hibernate my girls in a fridge but you do need a place where you can monitor the temp, i have an insulated box which i place a second box in and fill it with hay or shredded paper when the tortoise is ready i put them in their boxes and place them in a secure shed, i check on hte tortoises weekly for signs of waking up and i weigh them to make sure they are not loosing too much weight, you need to make sure that the place they are says at a temp of between 0*c and 10*C if the temp goes above 10 for a few days the tortoises will start to wake, my tortoises stop eating in about the middle of Oct, i usually bring them in and monitor them, they have no food for about 3 weeks before they sleep and usually by the beginning of Nov they are asleep, but you can only hibernate a tortoise if it is fit enough to do so, it is recommended that tortoises only hibernate for 12 weeks max, i am not sure if 3 years is still too young to hibernate, but take a look at the site as it will tell you every thing you need to know and how to hibernate them safely the site also has some really good up to date articles on tortoise care so it really is worth looking at and using as a reference, best of luck honey don't panic there is still time yet,

  4. They hibernate during the winter, so I wouldn't worry about it yet, just keep up the good work, and when winter comes, let nature do its job. If your still not sure you can go to a vet and ask them about it, hope I helped.


  5. I put mine in a Sterilite bin with aspen bedding and stuck them out in the garage for a couple of months. They stayed around 50 to 60 degrees F (10 to 15 C) for most of the time. The coldest they got was 38 degrees F (3.3 C). Just don't let them get to close to freezing. You want them to be well fed before hibernation and stop feeding about two weeks before hibernation to allow them to clean out their system. A good soaking will help with this. I also took them and soaked them in cool water every month or so during hibernation to give them a good drink. Biologists are now saying that they believe this "winter rest" actually increases the life span of Russian tortoises and is better for their overall health.


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