
When and where can I go to get playoff tickets for the Yankees? Thanks!!!?

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When and where can I go to get playoff tickets for the Yankees? Thanks!!!?




  1. more yankee playoff questions eh?

    id rip u a new one but i think uve taken enough abuse,

    in post season not nessecarily for the yankees season ticket holders get first dibs, otherwise get tickets from scalper/ebay cause itd be cheaper than getting from watever ticket vendor is payed by the team or u can line up a week in advance which i dont suggest u do cause there are no tickets cause yankees are not in the playoffs

  2. The Yankees, more than likely, will not make the playoffs. So don't worry about buying tickets.  

  3. Well I'm not sure about the where. But I sure do know the when. Next season or beyond. So don't worry buddy, you got lots of time to worry about playoff tickets. This response gives me that same feeling that Jim Mora had in his famous interview:

    "Playoffs? Playoffs? You kiddin me? Playoffs?"

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