
When and where was America's first public school opened?

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I'll give you some names and dates of graduates to help : Benjamin Franklin 1714, John Hancock 1745 and Samuel Adams 1729.




  1. Although some puritain communities established local public schools, there were not truly American public schools until the mid 19th century when Massachusetts established their common school system.


  3. Massachusetts. Probably named, Ichabod Crane.

  4. Boston Latin School, which was conducted out of the headmaster's home for the first 60 years or so of its existence.

    Below is the school's official site...

    Attendance requires Boston residence and the same entrance exam required by MA private schools:

    "Entrance into BLS is partly based on what you get on a test that you take in the sixth grade, called the ISEE (Independent School Entrance Exam).  So one thing you have to make sure to do if you want to go to Boston Latin is to sign up for the test! "

    Interestingly, BLS does not operate like your typical public school:

    "However, not everyone who goes to [Boston] Latin School will finish.  It’s not because they’re not smart enough, but it’s because they couldn’t handle the amount of work, and weren’t prepared for their new responsibilities."

    In other words, kids flunk out.

    To recap: kids have to pass an entrance exam and they either perform or they flunk out of the school.  I guess if that happens, the student will either have to go to a regular public school or perhaps choose homeschooling!

    Final Quote and Note:  "From its beginning, Boston Latin School has taught its scholars dissent with responsibility and has persistently encouraged it."

    They teach the kids to dissent!  Oh my!  Homeschooling is a bold form of dissent with responsibility.

    Looking carefully over their site, if we lived in Boston, I would seriously consider sending my child to that school.

    ***UPDATE: I've perused their student handbook.  They have a very serious dress code and discipline policy.  Major infractions that will lead to permanent expulsion includes: disrespect of teachers, cheating, lying, variety of disruptive behaviors, bullying, etc.

    ***UPDATE: Most of the early headmasters were Ministers and the entrance exam was based on the Bible.

  5. Benjamin Franklin did not graduate from a public school. He only attended school for 2 years in Boston, from ages 8-10, then taught himself after that while he helped his dad with his business.

    Boston Latin School appears to have been the first public school in America.

  6. This article says the "Boston Latin School" opened April 23, 1635.

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