
When and where was the first pizza made?

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When and where was the first pizza made?




  1. youre gonna have a lot of different answers on this because it varies depending on who you ask...some people believe it began way back B.C. when soldiers would take there shields and place flat bread on it and cheese and dates and let it melt in the sun...then some believe that it came over with Marco Polo because he had a serious jonesing for these scallion pancakes he had eaten in china...and he started adding toppings to them and his chefs basically started "pizza" anyway you look at it it's gonna be different answers!!!!

    wow...a thumbs down for a right answer...COOL!!!

  2. The original pizza was the Margarita pizza. originated in Italy. Thin crust. mostly tomato sauce with a little mozzerella cheese and basil.<<<<<<<< My favorite pizza!

  3. in an italian place called the Leaning tower.

  4. the Italy!?

  5. a long time ago somewhere in naples

  6. in the Oven..pmsl

  7. Why all the sarcastic answers? Just because you know the answer to a question doesn't make it stupid!

    The first pizza was made in Naples, Italy around the 17th century. It was originally a peasant food.

  8. First recorded use Pizza word. 997AD Italian pizzas 1590

    The first pizza sale on The street of Italian neighbor hood 19th century, Like in Chicago,San Francis, new york, Philadelphia

    Have a great week end


  9. it was made on pita bread.. so somewhere in the middle east

  10. I heard the Chinese did it.

    Marco Polo brought it to Italy.

    Makes sence...

  11. The history of pizza has been, and is contentious, for we can never know which nation invented pizza, but pizza history is no less colorful for that fact. As we cannot know the date when the first pizza was invented ,we can only speculate who invented pizza. Pizza, as we know it today, is a bread crust covered with a tomato base and then flavored with other toppings. Yet tomatoes did not appear on European menus until the Sixteenth Century, when they were brought over from the New World by the Spanish conquistadors. Pizza as we know it today, with a crust, tomato and other toppings, was even later in history; it did not originate until the eighteenth Century in Naples .

    Italian folklore claims that the first pizza was Italian, and it is certain that in ancient times the ancient Greeks and Romans had a type of unleavened bread, topped with a flavor before being baked. We know from historical writings that the Greek pizza was merely vegetables, but the origin of the pizza in Italy was more sophisticated. It was topped with pork scraps, olives and the sweet desserts with honey, raisins and pine nuts. Some of those sweet dessert pizza recipes have been enshrined in pizza history and are still used in Italy today.

    Read more about the history of Pizza at

  12. I'd guess somewhere in Italy.........Sicily perhaps?

  13. Maybe somewhere in Italy

  14. actually the first pizza was made in china but it looked way different than the way it looks now.

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