
When and wht year will like the whole world come to an end?

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people say that earth will get destroyed someday... if it will when will it? please answer.




  1. The Tribulation will be over by 2016-2017 and the start of the Millennial Kingdom until around 3016 where there will be the creation of a new heaven and earth.

  2. Most likely when the sun burns out in several billion years

  3. no one knows. it could come to an end tomorrow or in 1,000 years. you never know.

  4. Hopefully not any time soon. I have too much laundry to do.

  5. August of this year, just read and prepare....

  6. The exact year is unknown... but, in about 5 billion years, the sun will run out of fuel, and swell to be a Red Giant.  At that point, the planets Mercury, Venus, and Earth will be engulfed in the solar atmosphere;  we'll slowly spiral into the sun's core, and finally merge with it.

    So... the atoms in your body will find their final resting place in the heart of a star.   Kinda poetic, huh.

  7. That's not possible to say right now. The most likely time is when the Sun will start to swell into its red giant stage, but that is a few billion years away.

  8. Nobody knows.

    it talks about it in the bible though

  9. According to the Mayans it will be on December 22, 2012.

  10. Sometime in the next three bazillion years.  It may sound like a horrible possibility, but I don't think anyone will actually "push the button" for the big one.  Oh, yes, there will be little wars all over untill we can all learn to TOLERATE others' beliefs and LIVE AND LET LIVE.

  11. Nobody, not even Jesus knows; only God knows and it will be revealed to us when it is time.

  12. If you are refering whole world as our earth only then it may get over even tomorrow or it may take millions of years.Earth is like a person sitting on a roller coaster ride.If a gamma ray burst takes place even 30 light years away from earth and strikes earth it may wipe out entire species.The asteroids or comets may also endanger earth.If earth survives it,it cannot survive when the sun turns into a red giant and the oceans on earth evaporate..

  13. the answer is 5 billion more years when the sun start to burn on it helium in other words the sun would puff into a red giant consuming mercury and venus and come close to fry it then it would explode no more solar system

  14. Most probable:

    5 billion years from now (give or take a few), when the Sun becomes a red giant.  It is possible that the Sun will grow so big that Earth (and Venus and Mercury) will find themselves inside its new extended surface.  If that is so, that would not be good.

    Even if we are still barely outside, the planet would survive, but we certainly could not live on it.


    Less probable:

    In 3 billion years, there may be a "collision" between our Galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy.  Because of the space between each stars, there should not be many actual collisions between stars.

    However, the tidal effect of one galaxy on the other could change the galactic orbit of some stars, allowing some to be ejected out of their galaxy, while others could plunge towards one or the other black hole.

    However, most stars will simply continue on and become part of the newly formed elliptical galaxy.

    It is still way too early to tell which star will end up where.  But Earth (and the other plants) would follow the Sun -- the tidal effect would not separate the planets from the Sun.

    If the Sun is tossed into a black hole, that would not be very good for Earth.  

    Even if we survive (not tossed into a black hole, not involved in a direct collision), the collision of the gas and dust clouds will create a burst of new star births.  Lots of radiation, lots of supernovas within a few million years after that with more radiation.

    The merging of the black holes may created strong gravitational waves and certainly lots of gamma rays and X-rays.  

    But still, depending on our tri-axial orbit in this new galaxy, it is possible that we avoid harm.


    If a large star oriented just right (its pole aimed at us) goes hypernova, we could be "bathed" in nasty radiation.  The probability that a star be oriented just right is rather small AND there are very few stars ready to go boom very close to us.

    Still, over the remaining billion years of our life, who knows.


    Major collision:

    The early solar system was chaotic.  orbits criss-crossing each other. collisions.  In fact, it appears that our Moon is the result of a major collision between our planet and some relatively large body (smaller than Earth, but maybe as big as Mars or Mercury).

    In the billion years since the early solar system, most of the orbits have stabilized.  There is still lots of stuff on weird orbits, but it is much smaller that whatever would be able to destroy Earth.

    Also, most of the orbits have acquired some kind or "resonance", where asteroids that come close to Earth receive just enough of a gravity boost to come back close to us without hitting us (otherwise, they would have already hit us in the previous billion years).

    Earth does get hit once in a while.  Obviously Earth has not yet been completely destroyed (meaning that not all collisions are fatal).

  15. Tomorrow... and if not, then you should live your life like it will.. But, only God knows

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