
When and why will the world end?

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When and why will the world end?




  1. when you started to fear it.

  2. What God creates is like God perfect, Paradise is Gods home.

    God the creator of creation. Not everything that is created is created by God.

    It is easy to think our Universe (Planet) is regreassing but it is evolving to compleation which is refferd to as Life and Light the goal of a Creator Son.

    P.204 - §5 6. The Ages of Light and Life. Upon the establishment of the era of light and life the local universe cosovereign enters upon the sixth phase of a Creative Spirit's career.  

  3. The world will end for each individual the day that they die. Why because they will no longer be connected to it their connection has ended so the world has ended for them.

  4. Eventually, as someone said earlier, the sun will blow up.  However, we can't be the whole world.  There's got to be other beings just as important as us out there somewhere.  There's a lot we don't know about.  OUR world may end sometime, but I don't think the entire world is going to end any time soon, if at all.  And where will everything go?  The laws of science say you can't create or destroy matter, but we had to have come from somewhere.  So I think if we do go out, it'll be in some way totally impossible for us to even begin to imagine.  Therefore, there's no way to know when.  But we shouldn't worry about it.  Live in the present.  Be kind to your neighbor because they deserve it just as much as you do, and love your God, Allah, or whatever you pray to as your Lord because they love you and offer you comfort.  Don't do good deeds because you will be judged someday.  Do them to see the smile on people's faces, and don't worry about when the world ends, if it ever does.  God's kingdom will have no end, and that's all that matters.

  5. Ok, you may be totally nonreligious, but I think that God will end the world.  There will be a rapture, his believers will go in heaven, and all non believers will have seven years to the end of the earth.  There are totally wacko people that think they can predict the exact date, but that is just unreasonable.  We may be able to predict a general period that the end of the world will occur in, but a date, that is just stupid.  Anyway, I liked your question.  

  6. 90 or so years... and to be exact the world isnt gonna end we (our human race) just wont be here anymore. the world itself will still remain. and this information was said by the great Sylvia Browne on the Montel show about one month ago.

  7. Though I have no religious stake in it, I can't shake the feeling that something really big, possibly deadly to me, may happen in 2012. I just have a hunch. I am very open minded, and there are just bits of information that my mind seems to latch onto very strongly as truth, even though I am still skeptical. The possible cause will most likely have very much to do with what is going on right now. It will be the end result of it. I feel this time as a kind of shifting point-- a time when things simply can't go back to being the same.

  8. There are many ways that the earth could become uninhabitable for humans.


    - a large scale nuclear war could kill millions, render large parts of the earth uninhabitable, and change the climate such that farming would be difficult.  It would probably not end all life, however.

    Killer Asteroids

    - There are thousands of near-earth objects, asteroids whose paths cross the earth's orbit.  Catastrophic strikes like the one that likely wiped out the dinosaurs could happen again.  Hopefully humans will developer deflection technologies before that happens.

    Lunar Recession

    - The moon is moving away from the earth at a rate of about 1 inch per year. The moon's gravitational pull helps stabilize the earth's spin on its axis.  In many millions of years, the earth's tilt may destabilize because of the lessened influence of lunar gravity, creating a much larger wobble that could cause havoc with the seasons.   If the earth tilted, say, 85 degrees, we would lose our seasons, with one side of the earth becoming very hot, the other cold, for half of every year.  This would not end life but make it more difficult.

    Solar heating and expansion

    - The temperature of the sun's surface is gradually increasing, and in a billion years it will probably be hot enough to boil off the oceans.  In 5 billion years the sun will run out of hydrogen fuel and expand into a red giant, which may become so large that it will swallow and completely destroy the earth.

      Before that time, however, it may be possible to  commandeer asteroids as gravitational tugs, which would gradually move the earth into a wider orbit and out of danger.

      Billions of years later, the sun will be reduced to a white dwarf which gives off little energy. What's left of the earth may continue to orbit indefinitely, but whoever remains may decide to move on.

  9. There is a beinning and there is an ending to all things living.  Last reported the world is a living entity.  Hopefully mankind will not be what destroys and kills it.

  10. When: soon

    Why: we will kill each other over religion, money, power, land, oil...

  11. I believe the Bible account.  I think it will be soon, but only God knows the exact time.    There seem to be a lot of signs that the world as we know it will not be around much longer.  It's supposed to end in fire.  

  12. When: when everything and everyone is perfect

    Why: There would be no emotions and that's no way to live...

    (That's just my thinking, but everyone's different..)

  13. if humanity doesnt come back in the picture, it will be a mess very soon. its already russia wants a war....iran and and is a mess....i cant stand this will end because of greed....

  14. Nothing last forever, even universes die. I think I calculated it right that Nostradamus said the next great death of our universe will be around 3051. Consciousness that has evolved will get shelved until the next moment in eternity when the universe is reborn and all the evolved souls will take new bodies in a fresh new environment.

  15. when: sooner than u think

    Why: humanity

    simple answers but i think true enough tho

  16. When: Last Thursday

    Why: Because your mom divided by zero.

  17. When you don't care anymore.

  18. If I or anyone can jump to the time when it happens I or they will give you a call. I don't know why I get annoyed at retarded people so much. Oh well no one is perfect.

  19. It's gonna fly out of orbit and smash into the moon or an astroid is gonna hit us and quite frankly why hasn't that happened already?  

  20. It will end in about 5 billion years when the sun goes super nova because it's expansion will swallow the earth in it's fire.

  21. ...when and why will happen in due time...

    ...having no expectations...and enjoying all that life... enjoy all in the moment...and be smiling when it happens...

  22. when the sun becomes a red giant it will engulf the earth in 50 billion years

    the earth wont end when humanity does..

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