
When animals are slaughtered why can't they be given a euthanizing injection like when pets are put to sleep?

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Also how are they slaughtered?




  1. Injections cost too much and take too much time for factory farms. It will also poison the meat.

    This page explains the slaughtering process for cattle (it ain't pretty):

    And for poultry:

    Pigs are slaughtered in the same fashion.

  2. you'd be adding the chemical to the meat, depending on the formulation it may be hazardous to humans.

    as regards to Kosher....

    Kosher is just as barbaric as Halal, its the ritual slaughter of animals by slitting the throat, now incapacitation or other humane treatment just the hope that the knife is sharp. the main difference between halal and kosher is that kosher (supposedly) can only be carried out by trained people, whereas halal can be by anyone (providing you pray during the slaughter, and IIRC point the right direction). aside from that they are both ritual slaughter and in my books have NO place in the UK given the various statutes on animal welfare and health & safety

    the biggest joke to me was Kosher milk, the only difference between Kosher Milk and normal milk was that a Rabbai came into the dairy, dressed up in his gear, mumbled a few prayers, make a few hand gestures and then slapped in a big bill for the pleasure.

  3. Far too expensive

    Schneider - Kosher is the exact opposite to that, the animals throat is slit whilst it is still alive, as opposed to be stunned first.

  4. It's more expensive for injection.  It's cheaper to just electrocute them.

  5. If they used an injection then the animal would not be able to be used for food as it would contain the toxins of the injection.  

    Animals like cows are stunned by captive bolt then have their throats cut as far as i can remember.

    I think it's horrible and that's why i'm vegan!  

  6. While watching PBS last year,they showed the cows being shot thru the brain with a metal rod of some type.They said it's over very quickly for the cattle.Supposed to be the most humane.


  7. Because the meat would be contaminated with the poison, of course.

  8. They can thats what being kosher means they only eat food that was put down to sleep. before it was killed the pacages the food comes in sayes if it is kosher or not.

  9. For certain animals they just "stun" them, basically killing them but they fell no pain. Then they hang the meat, cut the throat and let the blood out.

  10. The drugs used to put an animal down contaminate the meat....those drugs are poisons.  Contaminated meat cannot be used for anything really.

    There are different methods of slaughter depending on the type of animal: shotgun blast to the head, slitting the throat, breaking the neck, etc.

  11. Not sure on how they are slaughtered. But when they are euthanized, the drug goes into their whole system, including the meat. So if we were to eat the meat of a animal injected with Fatal Plus, we would injest the poison.

  12. Far too expensive.  When my dog got too old and had finally to be put to sleep for his own comfort and benefit, my vet charged me a fee of over £50.

    Now if a bullock were brought to slaughter costing say £80 at auction, it would make it a non-profit enterprise if the slaughter-man had to pay a vet £50 to kill the bullock.

    Best and cheapest method is either electric shock then cut throat or by the Halal method.

  13. Hey, they cant give injections because the chemicals or whatever would poison the meat so we couldnt eat it, an i think they cut the animals throats :(

  14. The cut them and take out the guts and  *chop chop hop*

    its gorss and mean

    omg i put hop! hahahaha im gonna keep it that way

  15. Too expensive and like someone has also said, the meat would be contaminated and think about how many animals are slaughtered and how long it would take, I know how they are slaughtered but do not want to go into detail as children come on this site and although I personally believe they should be made aware of these things it is not up to me to explain it to other peoples children.

  16. Because we eat them and we would also ingest the poison from the injection from the meat!

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