
When answerers put really long answers in the Paranormal you read all of it?

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..or do you just "skim over it"? or skip it?




  1. Although I like YA, I tire easily if someone has a very long drawn out question.  Ha ha, I usually get about halfway through it and then move on to the next one.  I like it when people keep it short and to the point.  I seem to be able to give a better answer if the question is brief.

  2. I tend to skim once I have a general understanding of the question. Sometimes I can answer without knowing every single little detail, such as if someone starts out with "a demon is living under my bed and for breakfast I had..." I can pretty much answer without reading those extra details.

  3. depends if the first sentence interests me or if I'm feeling kinda lazy.

    If it starts to interest me then I will read on and on...

  4. If it's interesting I read it.  If it begins to bore me I skim it.

  5. It depends on the poster.

    The majority of the long posters have been in this field for quite some time, and for someone who is trying to gather as much on the subject as possible it only makes sense to read the majority of them.

  6. I like the long answers unless they are something silly like cut and paste bible quotes.

    Love and blessings Don

  7. It depends. Sometimes. A lot of times they start out rather rediculous like, "This phenomena is caused by Light Bringers of the 6th dimension whose job it is to paint rainbows in the sky......" Then I skip or skim.

  8. no i read the first line

  9. As one of the 'guilties' of making long posts I'm sometimes guilty of skimming over the long posts of others, or not reading them at all if they're cut-and-pastes.

    It depends on what I'm reading and whether it captures my interest.

    I see frequent evidence my own posts are skimmed over, or ignored, and I sometimes get a chuckle out of it.

  10. I skip it,once it turns into a long rant or sermon.I've never skipped one by any of the folks who've answered above me.

  11. For me it depends on the question, The topic, if it really interests me, then yes i will read right through it....sometimes ill just browse through....

  12. I read all of it

  13. I read the whole thing, like Team hunt said they could be most informative.

    However, for those who don't like "copy & paste", that it is not a usefull reference, I disagree.  

    Not everyone is aquipted with the ablility to know everything, but some of us learn by looking it up & studying it & then sharing it.  If you use it as reference to help others, then I see nothing wrong with it.

  14. THe longest answers could be the best answers, to me they are the most informative :)

    Ryan ~Paranormal Researcher/Investigator

  15. I not only read the entire answer, I go to (and read the articles) in any posted links (from skeptics and believers alike). I appreciate people sharing information.

    I like some others am guilty of some long answers.


  16. If it's obviously something they cut-and-pasted from another website, I'll skip over it.  Or bible quotes, or quotes from the Koran.  I don't consider those useful reference books, so no point in reading.  But if someone took the time to write it out themselves, then yes, I read it.

  17. I skim... unless it is something I am really interested in (but even then my attention span is limited to about a paragraph and a 1/2). Cheers!

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