
When any kind of chemical is causing brain damage, are there any symptoms?

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Be it drugs, auto exhaust, pesticides, dioxins, heavy metals, chemicals, etc...... Is there anyway to know if these chemicals are being introduced into your bloodstream, wherein courtesy of circulation, are being distributed into the body's organs, when exposure occurs? Would you pass out before any damage is done?

I realize that there are two types of exposure... acute, and chronic. Acute is when a transient effect is generated by a singular, yet strong exposure to a substance. With chronic toxicity, you can be in the environment for years before any real symptoms manifest, because the poisoning is very slow.

As far as acute toxicity goes, unless you develop a substantial migraine, vomit, or pass out, does this mean that something has had no effect on the body, and even if some inhalation has occurred, it's completely negligible and the body is equipped to discard itself of the chemicals with no repurcussions? Not a single brain cell lost?




  1. Depends upon the chemical...some accumulate over time in small quantities then you see a toxic reaction (e.g. exposure to radiation and nuclear waste in small doses; lead; environmental pollutants....e.g.'s Love Canal, mercury contamination of lakes in Canada, mercury poisoning of Native Americans via eating of fish; fire retardant accidentally mixed with feed for cows in Mich...pollutant passed via milk to humans; etc.)...don't forget asbestos.  Arsenic in small doses accumulates, makes you gradually sick.  You lose brain cells every day...some toxins remain and you live.  It depends upon the dosage and toxin.

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