
When applying for a visa does the US consulate check worldwide for any immigration petition references to the?

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Do US consulates routinely run a global search on any past / existing immigration petitions filed by

the applicant in other countries aside the US. If a visa applicant had not disclosed a previous immigration petition (forgot or ignored) on application form, does that hurt chances of sucess?




  1. I'm not clear -- you are referring to an immigration petition filed from a different country to emigrate to the USA? If so, you can be sure there is a central database of these applications and that it will show up as your application is processed.

    If you mean you applied to some OTHER country to immigrate, it might be that the countries share this information, but they might not as well.

    In any event if you forgot, and you notify them you that you forgot before they find out and ask you themselves, I would bet they would be OK with it. If you intentionally failed to accurately answer a question on the application, and they can tell you did it that way, intentionally, you can expect that petition to be disqualified at the least.

  2. Yes, complete checks are run - everything is in one computer system, so if you have put incorrect information on your application, the officer(s) will know.  You will have the opportunity to tell the truth at the interview, but if you do not, you may be deemed permanently ineligible for any type of visa in the future.

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