
When approaching a stop sign, what do you do prepare to do?

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When approaching a stop sign, what do you do prepare to do?




  1. Reduce your speed and start to apply the brake.....................

  2. I prepare to stop. duh!

  3. Slow your vehicle to a stop.  Then you look both was and proceed through the intersection.

  4. what do I prepare to do?? I prepare to STOP

  5. Stop, right?

  6. Stop?

    Or should it depend if there is a pedestrian in the crosswalk? Is there even a crosswalk?

    Seriously, you should apply the brakes.

  7. UUUHHHH!!!!

    No,   don't  tell me!


  8. Get the drinks in.

  9. I checked on this with the local police and the said you should prepare to stop now, who would have thunk that

  10. let go off the gas peddle and then apply the break ..... right??

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