
When are airlines going to start raising prices?

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Airline tickets are currently as cheap as they were eight years ago. I'm sick of them cancelling flight and cutting back destinations. All the airlines should get together and raise all prices by 20-30% for customers benefit. Air Travel should be a Luxury not a commodity.

Midwest Airlines just cancelled all 4 of my flights.




  1. you are joking right? I had a trip scheduled last month.. When I checked for airlines ticket in April, it was going to cost me $250.. in May it went up to $400 PLUS they added $50 per bag of luggage and raised the tax fee, etc. and cut the flights in half..So, my trip got cancelled.. Ten years ago I traveled from AR to KY round trip for $150.. for everything..and les than 10% of flights were cancelled . they have gone up a LOT

  2. I don't really think tickets are as cheap as they were eight years ago, because I remember what I paid eight years ago and it was sure a lot cheaper then than it is now. And also, airlines have "raised prices" in other ways. They allow less checked bags, and many airlines make you pay for onboard food/drink.

  3. I heard that airfare is cheaper than what we used to pay for about 6 years ago even though it doesn't seem that way.  The price of oil has gone up much faster than the price of airline ticket prices.

    I think airlines are also wary of raising fares too quickly because if they do, the sticker shock will cause everyone to not travel.  I think by them raising the ticket prices slowly and nickel and diming you for checked luggage, it gives you the perception that the ticket price is not that bad.  Plus if you think about it, the ticket price is one fee.  But there are other fees such as airport fees added on top of the ticket price.  That is why it seems as though the ticket is so expensive.

  4. Did you just post this to come across as an elitist, or did you actually want someone to answer this pretentious ramble?

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