
When are eco geeks going to figure out ethonal?

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is a dirty non effective solution?

it cost 5 billion more a yr to use it then oil , they burn coal in the production of the ethanol

do any of these eco alarmist do research or just listen to what the government\ alarmist (money grubbing scientists ) tells them or do they do there own research?

do they realize it burns 24% less effectently then oil and you end up filling your tank more?

i was watch the broken government on cnn , so im not getting this from a right wing source it was CNN people




  1. The corn farmers in the US must have a pretty good lobby group.    

    Ethanol can't compete with petroleum on a cost benefit basis anywhere in the world, except maybe for Brazil where they have a lot of cheap sugar.

  2. The biggest problem with corn as fuel (other than that its not really cheaper and it uses astronomical amounts of water in production) is that its too valuable as a food source.Imagine if we were to begin moving toward ethanol as a main fuel source.The need for corn as fuel would soon outweigh the demand for corn as a food source.And you must remember, dairy cows as well as beef cows eat corn too.There's not enough land to supply all the need that would arise if we were to use corn as a fuel source.

  3. CNN huh? I hate those TV news sources. I had a Subaru I used to fill with ethanol/gas back in the 80's. The mileage went from 24mpg (straight gas) to 16 (ethanol)

  4. Do you realize that corn ethanol and petro ethanol are the same thing!

    It costs $23/gal to produce petro ethanol and there is a $20 subsidy which is why gasoline coast $3+ right now, if it didn't have the subsidy it would cost over $23/gal!

    Corm ethanol only costs around $17/gal but it has no subsidy, so it looks like it costs more.

  5. Eco geeks are just geeks you don't credit them with a brain, DO YOU ! A safe non toxic no emissions product is already available and being used to produce electricity, the same technology can be used to produce car engines and even ant gravity devices. See


  6. They never will.  That's because Iowa is an important state when it comes to electing presidents, and corn is the ingredient chosen to be used in ethanol production.

    Global warming is political, not scientific.

  7. environmentalist groups have been campaigning against bio-fuels for ages eg

    is an eco geek an ECOnomist for the global corps? they are the only ones profiting from bio-fuels/right wing government subsidies, eg Cargill, monsanto...

  8. The thing about ethanol is that it ISN'T gas, but it can still fuel a car designed to burn gas.  You don't need to do anything to your car (except change your seals once and awhile and watch for overheating).

    It's not a perfect fuel, and it's not THE solution to our problems.  The key is getting energy from lots of different things, not relying on one energy source for everything.

    Re-inventing the engine, re-inventing the car, supplying everyone, and actually selling a new product to everyone isn't something that can happen overnight.

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