
When are fans going to give credit where credit is due????

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Even after the win by the Pens the fans are still complaining about obstructions. Helloooo, you are watching from a PENS point of view. If you were a Wings fan you would notice all the c**p that is missed against the Wings. Hits after the whistles, high sticks... those aren't even judgement calls and there being missed. THIS IS PLAYOFF HOCKEY. The refs are letting a lot go ON BOTH SIDES. Real hockey fans see it all if they look, I know its hard to see the missed penalties that your own team takes. I have that too. I see the missed calls that should be penalties on the Pens, Pens fans see the missed calls that should be on the Wings. THIS SERIES IS COMPLETELY EVEN ON CALLS, whether legit or bs calls. Pitt is being called for more penalties because they are the "roughing" type calls. Enough tainting this series by blaming it on the refs. Game 3 "COULD" have gone way different if the Staal high-stick on Lidstrom was called (4 minutes). But that is the game. Its done.




  1. Dude... you are my hero for saying this.

  2. the seriousness of my answers are usually directly proportional to the experience (and objectivity) of the asker.

    i don't take these moron fans ... on both sides ... too seriously.

    but you're pretty much correct. but there are moron wings fans too. (you can't throw your hat on the ice if you're behind the goal's protective netting).

  3. I am shocked but detroit is the team that is getting away with 10 penalties for every 1 pitt gets away with (lidstrom high stick the 1), particularly the diving.  I am an impartial observer, and I thought the nhl would try to keep the pens in this series.

  4. Your right the only thing that gets me is last nights game, game 3 when lindstrom wat hit in the face and bleeding and there was no call and it was obviouse! The wings dominated game 1 and 2 and even played great game 3 its 2 great teams playing but im a wings fan and zetterberg and datsyuk is unstoppable!

  5. They're just emotional, biased, bandwagoning homers. Just pray that they don't procreate....

    I love how they all don't mention all the dives and missed calls made on the Penguins in previous series.

  6. I'll admit Pit played great, hands down. Something they definitely lacked in game 1 & 2. Calls missed on both sides. Now it's turning into a championship series, not a cake walk.

    Question is, can his young team keep building momentum?

  7. I am a huge Pens fan and I think the calls have been good so far........The bandwagon Pens and Wings fans dont know how the game is really played......The wings played amazing D the first 2 games and the Pens turned it on in Game 3......This is still going to be a great serious

  8. agreed, calls and missed calls happen to both teams. i am tired of we lost because of the refs. game three was very entertaining and i hope the rest are as well. and yes there will be calls that are missed, count on it and deal with it. GO WINGS!

  9. Great point it is just like leaving your feet when hitting someone (charging).

  10. More whining about the refs by a Wings fan ... is this what you do every time your team gets outplayed? Get over it, kiddo.

  11. Amen Brother

  12. True fans know the following:

    1.) Detroit was dominating in Games 1 and 2

    2.) Both teams played good in game 3, but the Pens played better than Detroit.

    That equals Detroit up 2-1.

  13. Credit won't be "due" until the series is over. Until then, pretty much everything said here is biased and meaningless. That said, blaming the refs is lame anyway. So in that sense, you make a valid point!

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