
When are kids supposed to be off the bottle?

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My son will be 1 year old at the end of september so I am wondering if I should start doing something about it. Also, how do you take the bottle away.




  1. Try it before he turns 1

  2. One is the age that you should have your child off the bottle. I would suggest that you offer a sippy to him starting now so that you can slowly reduce the number of bottles he has during the day. That way when his brithday comes around he is jsut about done or he will be done with the bottles. Good luck.  

  3. I'm breastfeeding my 17-month old, so I can only give an answer in this context...

    My son has enjoyed drinking from his spill-proof sippy cup which has a soft drinking spout. It should be an easy transition, since it's just a different container.

    Now, weaning my baby from the breast will be a whole different dilemma! Right now, I'm still happy doing it, so I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Maybe I'll be lucky like my sister, whose son just stopped on his own before his 2nd b'day.

  4. anytime between 12 and 18 months....your son should be able to do a few things first.....he should be able to sit up by himself, should be able to eat from a spoon, shows more interest in solid foods, and has an established routine for mealtimes should be good to go

  5. when they have teeth they need to come off the bottle. definitely no juice out of a bottle. cut up the teats so not tempted to give in. hang bottles up at night and say bottle fairy needs them for new babies. leave a present in place. this works for dummies as well. they can chew and choke on teats.

  6. I've always been told that 1 year is the safe mark. When our children turned one we stopped the bottle and started sippy cups and got rid of all the bottles in the house so they don't find one someday. It was much easier than we thought it would be.

  7. When they're ready, and it's different for every kid.  Start offering him some water in a sippy cup.  He might think it a lot of fun, and want it.  That would be too lucky for most of us, but when he asks for a bottle, give him a little something in a cup.  Don't be insistent, but act like the cup is the normal thing.  Don't make a big deal out of it, and ignore your female relatives and all the mommies in playgroup who try to tell you you're doing it wrong.

  8. my daughter was off the bottle at 1 i replaced her bottle with a zippy cup her zippy cup had a rubber nipple so it looked like a bottle but it was a cup and i stopped giving it to her at night no milk at night its bad for his teeth

  9. I Do Not Think Kids Should Be On The Bottle After the Age Of 1 Year Old and Especially No Longer then 1.Our First Baby We Just Gave Her A Sippy cup when she woke up in the morning when she was 9 Months old and she took right to it.Our second little one will be 9 Months old soon so we are going to Do the same thing.Usually for bottle fed babies it is easier for them to take to a sippy cup If you buy the ones with the soft Tip because the mouth fill is more like The one bottles give then the hard tipped sippy cups.

  10. they arew supposed to be off the bottle by one year old, thats what my doctor told me. Start giving him sippy cups.  

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