
When are male horses able to breed?

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I got a mare last December. And her recent owner had her with a 1 and a half year old or a two year old. She's been acting funny once and while this summer. I think she might be pregnant. And the horse that she used to be with is the only answer in my brain is that she might of been bred to that horse. But when are male horses supposed to be able to breed?




  1. for most breeds, age 1. so shes prob. preg. talk to your vet. DONT RIDE HER! this will damage the baby and her.

  2. at 1 they can breed but it is general not wise to breed a horse until at least 3. check with a vet to comfirm pregancy though, the funny act may have been heat. also it is PERFECTLY fine to ride your horse while pregnant until the 8th month. I've breed so many times, it is not an issue until 8 months when she enters the later stages. once the 4th or 5th month comes along tone workouts down. in fact mares NOT worked and allowed to sit during pregnancy LOOSE OR ABORT FOALS OR FOALS ARE BORN WEAKER THAN FOALS BORN FROM FIT MARES!!!!!!!! this has always stood true at any farm i have ever bred, trained, or broke at and i can tell a foal who's mother was properly exercised than one that was NOT. after the 8th light troting or lunging to keep her moving once the late 10th early 11th it is safe to just do brisk walking 30 minutes a day. Discontinue exercise when mare is due in about 1 week. I recommend selling the foal before it is even born or at least have people interested in buying it so you don't need to pay extra board. Have an experienced breeder be there with you for imprinting and basic training.

    good luck! i feel for you believe me. I got a mare at the farm that was sold as unbred but once it got off the trailer my jaw dropped to the ground. She was at least 8 months and I did not want a foal ever out of that mare.

  3. Depending on breed, around 1 year of age for stallions.

    By now it should be visibly obvious if she is in fact pregnant... if she got pregnant in December she's due in November, and if she was pregnant even before that she'd be due any time now... you would probably notice more than funny behavior.

    Like this:

    Either way, if you're concerned you should really have a vet confirm if she is or is not pregnant BEFORE a foal pops out.

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