
When are people going to find out the truth about Hillary?

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If she has her way, it will be after the election, when it is too late.




  1. what is the truth?

  2. Here, try these websites on for size:

    If that isn't against the People of the United States of America, I don't Know what is....

    Also go to Time Life Almanac Timeline of Events!  It ain't gonna happen...just keep all of it out there and keep them talking and looking for more than cosmetic fluff!

  3. People already know about Hillary, money buys everything and she can buy her way out of the media. She is a liar, phony and fake

  4. Get the new book "Whitewash". It tells you about all her dishonest behavior and lies.

  5. hopefully soon.  my vote goes to ron paul!

  6. The truth is there people have just got to admit it.

    There is enough out there to have everyone to run away from her but they stay which is a mystery to me.

  7. When the liberal media finally stops pushing their own agenda and tells the truth about her.  Which will probably never happen.

  8. Who's truth, yours or realities!

  9. Here ya go, find out now.

  10. What truth might that be?

  11. The truth is that she is a socialist, who believes in cradle to grave entitlements.  She also will pander to whatever group she is currently addressing, in order to get their support.


  12. I have done my home work and I find her to be the candidate to stand up for the people and put back in place the checks and balances other Presidents, big corporations, and lobbiest have found complete immunity too.

  13. Like with Bill, the truth was out there long before the nomination and election, but they chose to ignore it. He was a transparent flim-flam man, and it was only after his last acts of corruption, the pardons, that some finally opened their eyes, and the corruption of his 8 years of sullying the White House became apparent to them.

    Others are still wearing the kneepads, and now they want Hillary to stain their blue dresses.

    The willful blindness and ignorance of so many people does not bode well for the future of America and the Constitution.

  14. about a week after she wins the nomination and the repubs cut loose their dog..she has so much dirt in her past,once they start on her she is toast

  15. When fools quit trying to spread ridiculous conspiracy theories.

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