
When are people going to start buying houses again?

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When are people going to start buying houses again?




  1. People are buying right now.  Mostly in heavy military communities.  The turnover for Military is always high so you constantly have people moving and coming in.  Be sure to advertise or get an agent that is familiar with these patterns so they can advertise or list your house in base publications or sites where your house is seen by these clients, if thats what your purpose is.  

  2. When it becomes sensible to do so!  I know I certainly wont be for a while.

  3. They are buying them like crazy in CA, decent homes are sold within a few days, with multiple offers.

  4. I don't knw? Me and my husband won't be for a long long time!!!

  5. When people stop talking about negative stuff. House prices will rise in the near future and those who wait too long will be left behind..Timing is everything  

  6. People never stopped buying houses. Perhaps you meant to ask when more people would buy homes. If that’s your question, it will be when they have the financial ability (good credit history & ability to pay) and the desire to own a home.  

  7. When the people selling them realise that this cash cow is dead, and start asking more reasonable prices for them.

  8. People will start buying houses again when they feel confident about their job security and the general state of the economy.

    There is much uncertainty at the moment and people are, quite rightly in my opinion, unwilling to make such a large financial commitment.

    Part of the problem is that too many people want to buy houses out of greed, to make profit, rather than simply as a nice place to live.  The chickens are coming home to roost.

  9. This is the best time to buy houses,The only problem is getting a mortgage.

  10. My area well priced homes are selling.  We get retirees who have sold their primary homes and are relocating.  Just overpriced areas are suffering.

  11. Current prices are stupidly high for first timer's.  

  12. When the inflation ease and banks have done their write downs. Most probably early next year, by then it may be to late to buy houses as house price may also pick up. If you can get a mortgage buy now.  

  13. When there is generally more economic confidence and job security - then it'll be easier for mortgage lenders to give out mortgages, and by then those that who own properties and are stretched in making mortgage repayments will have reduced sale prices for their homes in their bid to cut and run, esp. as for a long time there won't be buyers.

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