
When are people going to stop throwing out bottles filled with water and other liquids?

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I have seen people take half full bottles of pop and twist on the cap and dump them in the trash .That got me thinking.The water cannot escape to evaporate.Thats where all the water is going and there are probly lakes worth of water in our landfills from people doing this.Ive seen it at the car wash too.If its in the bottle it cant go back to nature and its ruining the ecosystem.We need to teach people not to do this.Its plain carelessness on their part. Thankyou all for reading.




  1. SOME humans are down right no good, a lot of people don't think it hurts but it does. I wish everyone could come to light and see what is going on and help.

  2. You're not alone. It makes us angry too. Thanks for bringing the issue, but I'm not sure when people are going to stop.. Hopefully soon.

  3. Not only is pop and other liquids being thrown away ruining our lakes and rivers, think about the house cleaning supplies that are used today.  Most of them include toxic ingredients and if you read the labels the warning and caution notes should be an indication of just how toxic they are.  For instance when I read the label on the toilet bowl cleaner, I am suppose to wear rubber gloves and goggles!  Additionally there are instrutctions on how to dispose of the empty bottle.  

    For more information about how toxic household cleansers are visit the Environmental Protection agency website at and visit for toxic and chemical free cleaning products.

    Thanks for caring about the environment!

  4. It makes me angry too. Thanks for bringing this issue forward.

  5. You are right on the money.  It is just thoughtlessness and ignorance.  We all have to do our part to save our environment.  Everything we do impacts our planet in one way or another.  Al Gore was not my favorite politician, but he has to be commended for his campaign to save the Earth from further destruction.

  6. As I understand, all trash is crushed before going into the landfills, so wouldn't that release the water from the bottles?(Not that I condone throwing away bottles, I personally always reuse and refill my water bottles)

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