
When are some "GOOD" Wii games coming-out?

by  |  earlier

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So I got this Wii that my parents bought me last year, and took them days to find one. Okay, so now I got one.

There hasn't been one single good game on the Wii yet. I've already tried the following..

Guitar Hero (I don't play Guitar Hero, I play real guitar)

I don't like rock band.. (once again, I play real guitar)

I hated Pirates of the Carribean

Legend of Zelda was a head-ache full-filled boring game

Mario (do I even need to talk about how much these games sucked?)

Wii Fit (I go to the real gym...)

That one racing game with the trucks (I "HATE" driving games!)

So I've been using my four-year-old outdated Play Station 2 far more than I have been playing my Wii.

In fact, I haven't played my Wii for the past 8 months. And I want to know, are there gonna be ANY good Wii games coming-out?

I mean, anything awesome like Halo? Grand Theft Auto? Battlefield: Modern Warfare? And not these stupid over produced Mario c**p buckets?




  1. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and Call of Duty: World at War are going to be awesome  

  2. So far, nothing great has come out. I have resident evil 4, which is awesome. Also, some other war shooting game, I forgot what it's called. I guess I don't know how old you are, but Sept. 16th star wars comes out, using the remote as a light saber. (:

  3. the new sims

  4. Call of Duty: World At War

  5. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.  Releases September 16th.

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    Watch the trailers for it for the Wii only! It looks amazing! Great light saber control and force controls.

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