
When are the AP grades coming in california?

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When are the AP grades coming in california?




  1. I live in california and i just got mine yesterday on monday. a friend of mine just recieved hers today and tons of other people got them yesterday. If you don't have yours by now, you should recieve them soon.

  2. generally speaking they will all be delivered in approximately 2 weeks, regardless of your state.  

    specific dates are unavailable as far as i know, but they usually tell you around the third week in July and they usually come a little bit earlier.

    i live in Texas.  but like i said, no bearing by state.

  3. The AP test scores were supposedly sent out on July 1. A couple of my friends already got theirs, but I'm still waiting for mine too, and I live in California, so we should get ours any time soon.

  4. All AP grades come out in the third week of July. Ahh!!!!!!!!

  5. i just received my letter from collegeboard all of this year's exams there is a "*96" and at the bottom it says that "*96" means the exam is being completed and should arrive within 3 weeks...

    did this happen to any of you or your friends?? =/

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