
When are the candidates going to be forced to choose their VPs?

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When are the candidates going to be forced to choose their VPs?




  1. They do not get forced to pick their VP.  At their national conventions they announce their running mates.

    Who really cares anyway?  I mean, I just now heard on the local news that the democrats left for their 5 WEEK vacation without making a decision on the offshore oil drilling.

    I don't care if it is a viable option or not, I care that the Democrats didn't care enough about those they supposedly represent to stay around until a decision on this hot topic was resolved.

    They effectively took their ball and went home, and if you remember that kid when you were growing up, you didn't really want to play with him anyway... That is what the Democrats are, the kid with the ball.

    I don't know about any of the rest of you, but the choice of VP is not as important as the boss telling his employees that they have a job to do and can't go home until they've finished it.  Which Presidential candidate will do that?

    (p.s.) GW Bush did tell them to vote before their break.  They just don't have enough respect for the position to do what they're told.

  2. I wish they would do it,I am tired of wondering.

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