
When are the gas prices going down!!!?

by  |  earlier

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when are going down???




  1. nowhere

  2. They have come down a little where I live.

  3. Honestly, I hope it keeps going up.

    It really gets to me when idiots think they have to drive the 5 miles to work - hey, how bout a bicycle? or to the gym, guess what, you could spend less time there if you did your cardio by bicycling there....

  4. you never know because gas is actually worth so little money its insane. gas is not expensive because we are running out of it , its because we have allot so what the companies do is like diamonds. in the diamond business they make a diamond expensive by saying there is little on the market because its rare. but really they have millions but they know people will spend money on it so they raise prices and say its rare by not putting it on the market. that is how it also works with gas. so gas prices are literally unpredictable

  5. Quit'cher bitchin. Gas has been two, three, four times what we pay NOW in Europe for a looooong time. The party is over, say by bye to cheap oil.

    Our jobs have gone overseas and with new prosperity China and India want what we've got: the so-called freedom of the open road and personal cars. Think about it for a moment, the worlds most populace county. And they want oil.

    It is up to us to lead the way and create a "green economy" and technology. Think about it for a moment, not too long just think. The alternative is unthinkable.

  6. I guarantee they will go down next February 30th.

  7. its going to get worse before it gets better.but i say never.

  8. never

  9. since gas is lighter than air, it comes down much slower than it goes up.

  10. Here's why gas prices are so expensive:

    China and India are paying most of the bill for gas for their people.  They are doing this because their economy is booming.  They have super strong economies that pour huge amounts of money into the government.  The government uses a small amount of that money to pay for the gasoline that they use.  If they didn't, their economy would crash like ours has.  The oil traders know that by having the Chinese and Indian governments pay, they are going to get a guaranteed income from investing in crude oil and that's why they are pushing the prices higher and higher.  What may not be affordable to you and me is no big deal for large governments like china and India which probably make obviously hundreds of billions in revenue from all the business that goes on in their countries.  If they ever stop subsidizing then prices will go down.

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