
When are the people of the U.K going to get together and get rid of the fools running our country ?

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We managed it with the Poll Tax can we do it again ?




  1. Just as soon as people like 'you', help us to spread the word.

  2. The Poll Tax didn't bring down Thatcher, the Tory party did.  Major continued it for a little longer and then backpedalled.

    Your opportunity to remove the Labour party from government will come at the next General Election, as is your right.  Be patient till then.

  3. when they do they will put some more fools in the job

  4. Heh heh.  No you didn't.  Maggie got shafted by her colleagues, because she went mad.

    This lot are fire-proof till the next election.  And it serves you all right for voting for them.  Three times.   I don't drink, don't smoke, never go out and wear my clothes till they fall off me.  And I keep a lot of foreign currency under the bed.  So generally speaking, I'm All Right Jack.  aren't I?  

  5. Good question, only one problem. We still have the Poll Tax, just re-named Council Tax

  6. Don't most people wait until the elections?

  7. Yea Bush is going to be looking for a job soon,why not have him run the country.I know your a big fan.  

  8. Because people in this country are too concerned with what David and Victoria Beckham are doing, and what hairstyle they want today, than the ridiculous policies being pushed through and forced upon us by this washed up, deluded government of ours.

  9. we need a riot. we cannot tolerate this c**p anymore. i am seriously thinking that the bnp is the right way to go. but most certainly we need to be rid of the labour party.  

  10. " The sooner the better , but who will replace these fools ???"

  11. 2010.

  12. Wouldn't that be racist.

  13. The problem is that we are blaming the monkey when we should be taking a closer look at the organ grinder!

    For as long as elections are decided by a majority of celebrity-obsessed overweight chavs influenced by whoever can shout loudest without pronouncing the letter T, then we get what they deserve.

    The only real hope is when enough sensible people can hide under the covers long enough to do it better themselves without getting nobbled.

  14. You mean like a revolution because we can do it come the next election, except we will get another group of fools. The next election is in 2010, that's when.  

  15. Civic Currency. If not a question with the intent to mock.

    Anytime . Computers available. Tech there.

  16. we could and we should, but evryone is too self involved or mentally crippled by th mass media. We're like turkeys voting for an early xmas

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