
When are the police going to go "green"?

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I have noticed recently all of the police where I live have these souped up Dodge Chargers they are driving now. When I think about how much gas they waste driving around in those things per month it infuriates me. Why are they not in more gas efficient vehicles? Not only are they wasting tax payers money to fuel those things up, they are harming the environment as well.




  1. A police car takes a lot of punishment and requires a bigger engine to be able to chase speeders and felons.  I'll bet most police departments would love to be able to cut their fuel budgets with greener cars, but until greener cars have better "get-up-and-go", they probably won't be standard police fare.

  2. They are doing their part to help make the country green. The plants need the CO2 to live... U are the one that is trying to kill the plants by restricting the CO2 that they need to live...

  3. Perfect example of government waste in this country.  They want everyone else to abide by their rules, but think they are exempt.

  4. You forgot to mention that the police ride around on bikes, so that is there way of going green. I see bike patrol all the time we have them in OH and most security companies have them now. So they are trying to keep the gas down and be greener.  

  5. Sorry Mr. Bankrobber can't chase you now.  I have to plug in my hybrid!

  6. Taking criminals off the streets trumps hugging trees.  

  7. They can't go "green" until the crooks go "green"!!  

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