
When are the weekends in london england, is it like the US saturday amd sunday?

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Also what time do the students go to school and what ime do they leave?




  1. Went to london in january- from nyc - was too expensive - big drinkers, ok food, gorgeous arks & real estate.

  2. Weekends are saturday and sunday. Some work places close early on friday, usually around 1pm, so some people say that is when the weekend starts Lol

    School students usually start school at 9am and leave around 3.30pm. Many UK schools now offer breakfast clubs starting at around 8am and after school clubs usally go on from 3.30pm untill 6pm at the latest but these are optional depending on parents' work hours and whether the child would like to attend.

    In college and university, it depends on the courses you are doing. For example, When I was at Uni I started at 10.30pm and finished around 3pm but as a guide the hours are similar to school but usally finish around 4pm

  3. Yes the weekends are the same days as in the US.  I believe this is true of most, if not all, of the Western World.  The only main difference I would say is that in London/Europe there are fewer stores and things open at all or for as long on Sunday.  In the US it seems every place is becoming open 24/7, this is not true in London and the UK.

    Schools are also the same approximate hours as US schools.  Laid back schedules for those in college/uni and morning to afternoon classes for younger students.  Though when I went to secondary school in England for an exchange program I had more free time throughout the day, like "recess" but for older kids.

    I think you'll find most aspects of daily life in London to be just like those in the US.  Cheers!

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